Part Sixteen: Manhattan

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February 6th, 1964

     Sun shined on my eyelids. I woke up with my head on Veronica's chest. I could feel the slow rise and fall of her even breathing. A very faint buzzing noise told me that she was still lost in sleep. I wanted to join her, but the crack in the curtains stopped me.

I squeezed my eyes closed as tight as I could, and burrowed my head against my 'pillow'. Veronica was quite comfortable, and she seemed to think the same about me. One of her arms was wrapped tightly around me, and I noticed that I was straddling one of her legs.

     If she was awake I might've blushed at our position.

     But my lover dozed deeply beneath me. I shifted my head to get a better look at her face. all of her features were relaxed. I inclined my head to give her a kiss on the cheek. She made a small noise in her sleep. I laughed lightly. I felt so comfortable in her arms.

     Then she decided to roll over and squish me.

     While I squirmed under the weight of her body, it became apparent that she was now awake. She laughed and propped herself up while straddling me.

      "Good morning, sunshine." She said bemusingly.

I cringed at her hot breath in my face. She read my body language and blew more air into my face. When I finally wiggled out of her grip, I reversed the roles and got on top of her.

Veronica whistled low, and put her hands on my waist. "I could get used to this view." She admitted.

I leaned down and kissed her on the lips, blushing. Kissing still felt strange to me. I had never been shown much affection in my life. The act was still unfamiliar to me. I liked the way it felt, though.

Veronica laughed against my mouth, and grabbed my chin. "We should probably get up, darling." She whispered.

      As much as I wanted to lay here all day with her, I knew that it was time to go. Our destination was so close. Our prize was in reach. We just had to go and get it.

     I sat up and slipped my nightgown off over my head. Veronica's eyes immediately found my topless body. She reached a hand out to brush her fingers against my chest, but I caught her hand. She looked surprised and disappointed at my action.

     "We have to get up, darling." I said, mocking her words from earlier.

And with a dissatisfied groan from Veronica, we both got up and started our journey.


     We rode on the edge on our seats for hours. Noticing the traffic thicken as we traveled further upstate. Noticing more buildings appear along the way. I knew Veronica was tense when she turned off the radio to focus on driving.

     We were in the city of Newark, New Jersey. We were so close that I was practically buzzing with excitement. Or maybe I was shaking from anticipation. I couldn't tell at this point. Sometimes my body was distant to me. Like I couldn't stay bound to one place physically.

     Like what was happening now—As we merged onto Highway 280, and took a turn on 95. I felt disconnected to my body. After 6 days on the road, it was now that the reality of a new life set in. Rachel Styles from Tulsa Oklahoma was no more. Rachel Mallory however.....

I looked over at Veronica. A small smile graced my lips at her concentrated features. A life with her was all I wanted. A life in the accepting city. Which was now in reach. A few more minutes and we saw it.

     The bridge to cross over.

     If I was in my right mind I might've cried, but I was so dissociated that the whole thing seemed unreal.

     The buildings towering into the Manhattan sky across the bay. Birds flying alongside passing cars. The sea below the bridge crashing on the adjacent shores. I took a shuddering breath. We reached the toll booth to pay for crossing into New York.

I helped Veronica dig five cents out of the console. She paid the bridge toll, and drove onto the bridge. Traffic into New York was thick on the arc. Teens leaned out of the window of passing cars. I saw a couple girls wearing nothing but swimming attire riding bikes.

     My eyes widened. The behavior of people were so different here. In Oklahoma, it was rare to see a girl with her skirt above her knees. I craned my neck out the window to look in the distance. Immediately, I heard a whistle from behind me.

     I turned my head. A car packed with young men drove beside us. They were obviously fresh out of High school. Maybe in college. I heard a couple of them yell, "Hey baby!" And "sugar!". I covered my face and leaned back in my seat.

     Veronica leaned over me and shot them an obscene gesture with her hand.

    I hurriedly rolled up the window when one of the boys threw a Pepsi-Cola bottle at Veronica. Thankfully, the cars in front of us began to move again. Veronica drove forward, leaving the university boys to scream in disappointment.

     Don't worry, we only got a few feet when traffic decided to stop again.

     I let out an exasperated huff while Veronica laughed. I couldn't help myself. I started to giggle too. Veronica shifted in her seat. "If they put a dent in the van, I will beat their asses." She laughed.

      I didn't doubt it. I was about to make a comment about the group of boys when we heard a honk from behind us. Both of our heads snapped up to see the city sign before us.

     Welcome to Manhattan!

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