Thank u, next

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Ships: jhs x bts

Based on: Thank u, next by Ariana Grande

Words: 1351


finally edited this while crying bc i hate it so much but most popular thing ive ever written

switched up some stuff so some comments might not make sense

BUT I HATE THE ORIGINAL SO MUCH IT DESERVES TO BURN, actually i hate this sm in general but you have to give the people what they want


Thought I'd end up with Jimin but it wasn't a match

Hoseok and Jimin didn't know any better. They were only 15 when they started dating, but Hoseok  thought he was the one. "Jimin, promise me we'll get married and accomplish our dreams?" Hoseok said to Jimin, his eyes filled with love and hope. "Of course we will Hoseok. When we're 21 we'll be married, adopt kids, and have stable jobs." Jimin replied, smiling. Hoseok was happy with that answer as he grinned brightly. Hoseok was  always happy with everything Jim said and did.

The cards were in their favor until they weren't.

" What do you mean you're going to college in America?! Why are you breaking up with me?! We can do long distance Jimin, just please, don't break up with me!" Hoseok begged into the phone, a sobbing mess. 

"I'm sorry, Hoseok. I hope life treats you well," Jimin said trying not to cry. He quickly hung up the phone as he prepared to board his flight.

Wrote some songs about Namjoon now I listen and laugh.

Hoseok's next relationship was with Seokjin, a year after his and Jimin's breakup. "Joon, what are you thinking about?" A nineteen-year old Hoseok asked a twenty-year old Namjoon. "Just life," Namjoon replied, giving him the most cliché answer. Hoseok giggled happily. He and Namjoon had written many songs about each other and shared their mutual love of songwriting. They loved seeing how the other felt and had a raw connection just on that love of music.

Of course, all good things must come to an end.

"Hoseok it's not working between us anymore." Namjoon said without any slightest bit of hesitation. 

"W-what" Hoseok asked confused. Namjoon repeated what he said and walked out, leaving only a notebook full of songs and money to pay for the dinner they were having at a diner. Hoseok secretly knew he wasn't the one, but they'd been together for 5 months. He was hoping Namjoon was the one, but he wasn't.

Even almost got married, and for Yoongi I'm so thankful.

This split probably hurt Hoseok the most. He thought they were soulmates because of the way their contrasting personalities meshed together so perfectly. Hoseok just thought that Yoongi was going to be his always and forever. That rock he needed when times got tough and vice-versa. 

"Jung Hoseok, will you marry me?" Yoongi said, getting down on one knee. The place he proposed itself was extremely sentimental. It was the place they met, had their first date, and even their first kiss. That all happened in a very quiet park late at night. " YES! YES! A HUNDRED TIMES YES!" Hoseok said, tearing up as he pulled his now fiance into a tight hug before pulling in for a kiss.

However, fate decided it was just not meant to be like Hoseok thought it would.

Hoseok walked silently to the room he and his now fiancée of 6 months shared, something had been off since their engagement. It was as if as soon as that ring on his finger appeared, his love faded for the older.

Unsurpsisingly, Yoongi felt the same.

Yoongi hugged Hoseok tightly as they parted ways.

"You know I'll always have love for you right? Just not in the way," The blonde said with a half smile. Hoseok nodded, fresh tears starting to form in his eyes. "You're still my best friend Yoon," Hoseok said with a sad smile as he slipped the engagement ring into his hand. Yoongi gave a half smile as he patted Hoseok shoulder and walked away.

Wish I could say thank you to Seokjin cause he was an angel

Seokjin and Hoseok met a couple months after the wedding was called off. Hoseok needed comfort in somebody else and that's what Seokjin provided. He would take him out on the most romantic dates and made him feel like he was worth it. Too bad good people do always get the worst.

It was an accident, the driver didn't mean to hit Seokjin. The driver was drunk and angry, he didn't see where he was going. Seokjin ended up paying the price for that with his life. The funeral was held a month later. Hoseok and everybody else were a crying mess. They shared stories about what a good person Seokjin was. Hoseok walked up to Seokjin's grave and placed a rose on it.

"This rose is for you Jin. You went too soon but I promise I'll be strong like you always told me to be."

One taught me love, one taught  me patience, one taught me pain now I'm so amazing.

Hoseok's two current lovers Jungkook and Taehyung were in the audience extremely proud of him. They were proud of him for being able to put his past behind him. They were proud of him for being able to write a song about it. They were proud of him for being able to perform that song. As Hoseok sang his new song 'Thank u, next' for the audience, he couldn't help but to think back to his past relationships. It didn't make him sad like it used to. In a weird way, it gave him some sort of confidence. He was gracefully completing every move and hitting every note perfectly. He got lost in his performance. As he sang his final verse, he looked at his lovers and smiled. The people stood up in the bar clapping for him. Hoseok gave the crowd his signature heart shaped smile and walked off the small stage and into Jungkook and Taehyung's arms.

What he didn't notice however was the 3 guys sitting at the bar talking while drinking alcohol.

A couple minutes earlier..

It was no other than Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon. They had recently met a few weeks prior and were currently talking about their past relationships. They all found out they shared a certain ex.

"Wait so you're telling me you were Hoseok's high school sweetheart?" Yoongi said to Jimin. "Well obviously, yeah I guess you could call me his high school sweetheart. We dated until the summer after senior year because I didn't wanna do long distance and was going to another country for college." Jimin said in disbelief at the situation he was in.

"Wait, are you guys serious? That's wild!" Namjoon said, rubbing his temple.. None of them could believe it. Here they were together as if they were they were the Hoseok's  ex club or something. Just then, Hoseok was on stage performing a song obviously about them as it had their names in it. They couldn't help but wonder who Seokjin was as he was also mentioned. However they didn't dwell on it long as they were paying attention to Hoseok and his lyrics. When they saw him get off the stage they were about to go up to him up until when they saw him being trapped in between two men, who were hugging him. The two guys released him and looked at him with loving eyes. Hoseok kissed each of them and that's when they realized, Hoseok had moved on, and now had two important men in his life. 

Yoongi smiled proudly, he was glad Hoseok managed to move past all his past hearbreak. Namjoon chuckled as he clutched his beer and got lost in thought. Jimin lazily grinned with half-lidded eyes, already intoxicated. I'm happy for him, Jimin thought as he smiled at the ring on his finger.

Hoseok ended up spending the rest of his life with Jungkook and Taehyung happily. They had their ups and downs but got through them.

The end

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