
604 24 3

ships: namseok

words: 1088

I love this song. I love the idea of awkward namseok. I'm sorry! I haven't written awkward teens at huge party and not wanting to be there so I had to, it's practically right of passage! 

Thank you so much for 16k reads! <3





Hoseok let out a soft groan of annoyance as he heard the brunette in the seat next to his loudly pop her gum.

Why the hell hasn't the teacher called her out yet? Hoseok wondered.

The petite girl turned to glare at him, "Hey! Stop staring!"

Hoseok's face flushed crimson as he whipped his head away.


Hoseok let out a silent thank you as he rushed out of his seat, almost tripping over the desk legs a couple times. 


Namjoon slapped his brown paper bag on the lunch table, startling a sleeping Yoongi.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Yoongi complained as he rubbed his eyes.

Namjoon muttered out a quick apology as Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

"Namjoonie <3," Yoongi read out the writing on the paper bag.

"Dude, this is why we're not cool. You still get lunch from your mom with a cute name on it, c'mon!" Yoongi said, lightly teasing his friend. Namjoon's face went red as he sputtered out a defense.

"Her lunch is good Yoongi!"

"Understandable, but why the Namjoonie?! This is why we're actual losers!" 

"Shut up!"

As the two friends bickered, a nervous Hoseok followed a very popular Jimin to his lunch table. 

"T-thanks for letting me have lunch with you Jimin!" Hoseok managed to squeak out, internally cursing himself for stuttering. Jimin let out a light laugh before smiling, "it's not a big deal Hoseok." 

Hoseok forced a smile as they accidentally made eye-contact. 

Hoseok wanted nothing more then to die right then and there out of embarrassment.

Yoongi watched his best friend suddenly seemed to grow hearts for eyes as he stared at a boy at another table.

"Hey, earth to Namjoon!" Yoongi called out, waving his hands in front of his daydreaming friend. Yoongi tsked as he grew more impatient, "Hey! Earth to Kim Namjoon! If you could stop simping, that'd be great!" The short blonde called out once again. Namjoon snapped out of his trance.

"What?" Namjoon asked, a very confused expression on his face.

Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose. "Listen, I know you have a fat crush on somebody, but I'm not here to be the homosexual supporting cast to your lame never-going-to-happen love story! So pay attention to the fact that I'm showing you my new song lyrics," Yoongi scolded, crossing his arms. Namjoon groaned. "You wouldn't be lonely if you accepted Kim Taehyung's confession!" Namjoon snapped. Yoongi wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Ew, no! He may be popular, but I heard he gave Taeyeon lice!" Yoongi shot back, practically shuddering at the thought of being one of the poor souls to receive lice from Kim Taehyung.

Namjoon groaned loudly as he began to try to reason with Yoongi, "what, are we in middle school?! I doubt Kim Taehyung has lice or has given anybody lice!"

"Not taking any chances!" Yoongi stubbornly declared.

Hoseok's eyes widened as he heard Taehyung rant about Taeyeon being a liar.

"I can't believe she'd say I gave her  lice! The audacity! If anything, she gave me lice!" Taehyung ranted as he ran a hand through his fading silver hair.

"Wait, you have lice?" Hoseok suddenly said, causing the table to burst out laughing. Taehyung glared at him as he shrunk down in his seat, face red as a tomato.

"I don't have lice! It's just a stupid rumor!"

Jimin suddenly smiled as he put his attention on Hoseok. "Say, Hoseok, would you like to come to a party with us after the football game next week?" Jimin asked sweetly.

Hoseok heard the hushed whispers of the other "popular" kids at the table. Truth be told, he wasn't really sure why he was there, he had only helped Jimin with a lousy guy once. Hoseok would be lying if he said he didn't currently feel extremely uncomfortable at the table.

"Uh, sure.." Hoseok said, unsure of his decision.

Jimin's eyes light up, "great, we'll drive you there after the game. You have to come to the game tho, Kook is playing!"

"Yeah, I'll be there!" Hoseok said with a nervous laugh.


Hoseok had never been "popular". To quote a character from a trashy tv show he once watched to make fun of the writing, "he didn't fit in, he was a weirdo."

However, Hoseok now found himself in the backseat of the quarterback's car along with Jimin and a few rowdy players. Hoseok never would have imagined in a million years he'd be going to a party with Park Jimin of all people.

There wasn't anything wrong with Jimin per say, it was the people he hung out with that was the issue. Jimin hung out with the spoiled sports players of the school, specifically, the football team. The team were known to be huge dicks and Hoseok didn't want to be apart of that. Nevertheless, he still found himself hanging out with them, so who was he to judge?


Hoseok felt like shit.

Honestly, he didn't know what he had expected. 

Of course everyone was going to practically ditch him as soon as they stepped foot into the party. Why would they not?

Hoseok rolled his eyes, "isn't this so melodramatic."

"Yeah, it really is."

Hoseok yelped as another voice responded.

The stranger laughed as he held out his hand. "I'm Kim Namjoon."

Hoseok cautiously shook his hand as he introduced himself, "Jung Hoseok."

"What brings you here?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't really want to be here, sorry. You should probably spend your time speaking to someone else who is interested," Hoseok said bitterly.

Namjoon chuckled as he heard his answer.

The tall brunette took a seat next to Hoseok on the patio steps, swishing around the coke in his plastic cup. "That makes two of us, aren't we being such stereotypical teenagers," Namjoon said, a warm smile on his face as Hoseok stared at him. 

Hoseok smiled back. Maybe this won't be so bad, he thought.

That night, Hoseok and Namjoon spoke a lot about nothing. The two could eventually be seen ditching said party to get fast food in true stereotypical-melodramatic-teen fashion.



short bc I haven't written in a bit but I think i like how this turned out :)

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