
943 45 2

ships: vhope

words: 1441

I like Hamilton sue me :)

not original but who cares anymore

Part 3 of I make Hoseok and BTS suffer for one week

repost  🙄👍



Hoseok smiled brightly at the crowd as he delivered his speech. He glanced towards his side and saw Jiwoo tearing up as Taehyung held her. He turned back to the audience. 

"We're here to celebrate the union of my dear sister Jiwoo and my dear friend Taehyung! I've never been more happy for her!" He said cheerfully, meaning every word he said.


Hoseok sat bored at the table. His parents had dragged him to another party. He knew the true intent of it though, they just wanted to find some rich boy to marry him off to. He looked around at the crowd, nobody particularly catching his eye. He saw the same faces as last time and he was sure tired of trying to be set up with Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon at every party. He scanned the room for his friend Jungkook, another young man with more money than he knows what to do with. Jungkook walked in, but someone stood by his side. Hoseok stared at the stranger who was talking with Jungkook. He was new. Hoseok stared at his strong build and beautiful face.

Yeah, he'd gotten Hoseok's attention alright.

The stranger locked eyes with Hoseok who hastily looked away and sipped his drink. 

"Hey Jungkook who's that?" Taehyung asked his friend, pointing to Hoseok who was avoiding even looking at him. Jungkook chuckled. "That's Jung Hoseok, he's one of the richest here and one of my best friends." Jungkook said proudly. "How rich?" Taehyung said with curiosity. "Min Yoongi level rich." Jungkook said. Taehyung's eyes went wide. "Really? How do you know?" Taehyung asked, not believing this boy was as rich as the Min Yoongi. "Excuse me, I know because I'm his best friend. Also because the Mins and Jungs keep trying to set the two up." Jungkook said as it was nothing. Just then a thought popped into Jungkook's head. "Hey! Don't get any ideas that's my best friend!" Jungkook said, staring at his friend. Taehyung raised his hands in defense. "Wouldn't dream of it Kook!" He said hastily. 

"Wouldn't dream of what?" Byun Baekhyun said as he finally caught up with two. "Hey rich kids," Baekhyun said with a chuckle as he looked at his friend's faces. "Hey! You know I'm as poor as you Baek! Don't even," Taehyung said, hands on his hips. Jungkook laughed. "Shut up. You two poor kids are here because of me. Enjoy yourselves. I'm going over to speak with someone," Jungkook said, walking off to talk to Kim Seokjin, another wealthy heir. 

"Do you think he wants to flirt with Kim Seokjin?" Baekhyun said as he stared at Jungkook making his way to the older. "Of course he does! The guy is rich and has a pretty face. He's rich and has a pretty face. Why would he not?" Taehyung said, hands in his suit pocket. "True." Baekhyun said, scanning the room with his eyes. Baekhyun saw a man and his eyes got wide. "I'm going over to talk to him." Baekhyun said, slightly pointing at Chanyeol. He made his way over to said male, ignoring protests from Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed as he sipped his drink. His gaze once again turned to Hoseok who was sitting alone at the table. He smirked and put his drink down on a random table before walking over to him. 

"May I have your hand?" He said with a warm smile as he held out his hand for the other. Hoseok's eyes widened as a faint blush made it's way onto his cheeks. "Sure..." He said cautiously. Taehyung led them to the dance floor, his hand grasping Hoseok's smaller one.

Hoseok felt his heart pounding in his chest. He felt like he was on cloud nine.

"You strike me as someone who's never satisfied." Taehyung said to Hoseok, causing his eyes to widen. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean. You forget yourself." Hoseok said as he tried denying it, refusing to look at Taehyung's eyes. "You're like me, I'm never satisfied." Taehyung said. Hoseok's attention turned towards Taehyung again. "Is that right?" Hoseok asked quietly. "I have never been satisfied."

"My name is Jung Hoseok."

"Kim Taehyung."

The more Hoseok conversed with the other, the more he realized how charming and quick-witted he was. Hoseok liked that. God, he liked everything about Taehyung. "Where's your family from?" Hoseok asked the other. To him, it was a standard question he had to ask everybody and vice-versa. Taehyung choked on his drink, eyes widening. "Daegu. It's unimportant though." He said quickly. Hoseok giggled. "That's cool. We lived in Gwangju before moving to Seoul. I miss it sometimes." Hoseok said wistfully. Taehyung nodded.

 "What's the real reason your here? I can tell you're not used to the rich lifestyle with the way you're so uncomfortable in that suit.  Also with the way you responded to the last question." Hoseok asked. Taehyung laughed. "You've got me! I'm here because Jungkook dragged me here. He wanted me to live the 'lavish' lifestyle for once. Well, he dragged me and another friend here. For me, personally, I couldn't care less about money." Taehyung said, his voice low yet playful. 

Hoseok admired the other. He admired that the other could choose who he wanted to marry not based on money. "For me, it's always been this way. I couldn't care less about money either but my parents want me to marry for money not love." Hoseok said solemnly. "That sucks.." Taehyung said quietly. "Yeah, it does.." Hoseok said. In that moment, the two locked eyes.

Hoseok loved Taehyung's eyes. They had a special spark of determination in them and he fell in love with that before he knew it.

"Hey, do you wanna go outside for a bit?" Taehyung asked Hoseok. Hoseok smiled widely. "Yeah, I'd like that." Hoseok responded. They walked out, ignoring stares from the odd two or four people.

There, in the moonlight they pressed their lips together, forgetting where they were and how society would forbid them ever getting married. Or at least Hoseok's parents would.

Hoseok's eyes widened and he pulled away. "I-I'm so sorry!" Hoseok said frantically as he ran off. Taehyung's eyes looked hurt as he saw the other running away. In his mind, he was running away from him and abandoning him just like that. 


"Hoseok! Look! Look!" Jiwoo said wistfully as she pointed to Taehyung. "You like him?" Hoseok questioned his sister. "N-no! He's just cute..." Jiwoo said, a deep blush on her face. Hoseok smirked. "Watch this."Hoseok told his sister as he approached Taehyung. Jiwoo internally died.

"Follow me." Hoseok said with a bright smile. Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Where are you taking me?" He said playfully. "I'm about to change your life." Hoseok said with a smile that wasn't quite genuine. "Then by all means, lead the way." Taehyung said. 

"Jung Jiwoo, it's a pleasure to meet you." Jiwoo said with a blush on her face. "Jung?" Taehyung questioned as he looked at Hoseok, hurt quickly flashing in his eyes. "My sister." Hoseok said calmly, pushing all his emotions down. "Taehyung." Taehyung said with a smile as he greeted Jiwoo who continued blushing. Taehyung took her hand and kissed it, making Jiwoo giggle and blush further. "I'll leave you to it!" Hoseok said, hurt in his eyes. 

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get Taehyung off his mind. Little did he know, Taehyung couldn't get Hoseok off his mind either.


"And most importantly, may you both be satisfied!" Hoseok cheered as he raised his glass. He refused to see the look Taehyung was giving him when he said that. There was no turning back now to those emotions they shared that night. Taehyung was married to Hoseok's sister. Hoseok was engaged to Min Yoongi.

They'd both never be satisfied no matter how hard they tried and it hurt because they both knew it. Hoseok was bound to be stuck in a somewhat loveless marriage. In just a month he was no longer going to be Jung Hoseok, he was going to be Min Hoseok. As much as Taehyung didn't want to and wouldn't admit it, he'd never bring himself to love Jiwoo as much as he had loved Hoseok that faithful night.

Taehyung was right, Hoseok would never be satisfied. But neither would Taehyung.

The end.

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