04. Wolf Boy

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(wolf boy)

Paul had shifted in the backseat of the diminutive car, at the same time as listening to Catherina explain what she could

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Paul had shifted in the backseat of the diminutive car, at the same time as listening to Catherina explain what she could. He couldn't describe how devastating components of her and Thorn's life had been in the slightest.

The process of the entire situation was hard for him—since he had never expected to meet an immortal human his entire life—two in fact. Until just a few moments ago, he was sure that Vampires were possibly the only beings that sustained the ability to live beyond their borrowed time, but now he was left with taking those phrenic conceptions back.

"So—Uh" Paul cleared his throat taking in the time Catherina had finally finished speaking," How do you know the Cullens?"

Thorn looked back from the front seat, and furrowed his brows," Is that what the Coven goes by?"

Once those words left the immortal males' lips—Paul's body stiffened. He had felt his body burn as his worry grown," I thought you know them" His voiced thickened lacing with suspicion.

Catherina and Thorn both felt his rapid rising emotions making them both share a look. Her son nodded in silent response as he focused on surrounding the shapeshifter with a blanket of white light. The mother took the chance to speak," We don't know them, but what I assume was the member of the Coven had sought us out"

Paul, however, did not show any signs of calming down which had Catherina mumble as an apology before stopping the car. She turned from the driver's seat and instantly put the Quileute in a deep slumber.

"He's going to be pissed off when he wakes up" Thorn commented keeping his eyes on the unconscious shapeshifter. Catherina let a sigh escape her lips following with a nod as she continued to drive.

"We're definitely not getting a warm welcome when we arrive at the house" Catherina confessed grimly," You and I can never have it easy"

"It's okay Mom" Thorn reassured her placing one of his hands on her own giving it a soft squeeze," We don't need it easy, just as long as we have each other" Catherina huffed gently removing her hand from his hitting his chest mildly.

"Since when did you get so smug, young man?"

He smirked proudly sitting back in his seat," Don't know" It was a small fib since he did have a minor idea of what it was. He just felt something good was coming for the pair of them. However, he couldn't explain it and he was not sure if his mother felt the same pull as he did. It was possible she was keeping silent about it like he was, but he just chose to not think too intensely about it.

On most days, Catherina would have easily noticed the new flame lit within her son, but for her—she felt something concealing the bond between them. She was horrified at the feeling and contemplated turning back, but she knew they couldn't. They've made a decision and going back on their words was what they opted to never do.

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