Chapter 3 - Getting ready with the Malfoy's

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Hermione started to wake up, after her much needed, refreshing nap. She turned over and looked at her clock. It read 2:56.

"Draco", she growled. 

He had known how much this reunion had meant to her and had still let her continue sleeping. 

A head peered round the door, glancing down at the now awake form of Hermione. He smiled at her and said, "Morning beautiful, or should I say afternoon."

"Well, yes, afternoon, nearly time to leave for the reunion", growled Hermione.

"Nearly time, we have 2 hours", said Draco, glancing at his watch.

"Yes, but I have to get dressed, ready, tame this mane of mine, get the children ready and probably get you ready as well", listed Hermione.

"How can getting ready take that long. The children can get ready on their own and I'm hurt at how you don't have faith in my dressing skills", said Draco, clutching his chest, pretending to take offence to Hermione's previous comment.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and carefully climbed out of bed. She made her way over to the chairs, to the side of the room and picked up a beautiful white dress, it was so simple yet so perfect.

Hermione's dress:

She slipped it on, adding a few bracelets to her wrists, and then started brushing through her bushy mane

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She slipped it on, adding a few bracelets to her wrists, and then started brushing through her bushy mane.

Although, it had calmed down considerately since their time at Hogwarts it was still quite a challenge to get it to calm down and look presentable.

After 5 minutes of brushing through, with her hair's frizz and volume looking barely any different, she threw the hair brush back on the table and sat for a bit, looking frustrated.

Draco took the lid off a Sleekeazy hair potion and started massaging it into Hermione's hair. After a few minutes of this, her hair was looking silky and less frizzy. She started to start on the design of her hair, for that evening.

She started braiding, as Draco watched fascinated by what art she could create with hair.

A few minutes later, she tied up her final design and admired her art in the mirror, beside her.

Hermione's hair.

Hermione's hair

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