Chapter 2 - Morning of the reunion

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It was the morning of the Hogwarts reunion and Hermione was searching through her wardrobe looking for something to wear. She hadn't expected it to be this difficult. She had never found it difficult before. She wanted to return with a bang, and how was she suppose to if she had nothing decent to wear.

The thought of her friends believing that she was dead made her feel sick to her stomach. Nope, she was actually feeling very sick. She doubled over and rushed to the bathroom and threw her guts up. Ugh. Morning sickness.

Hermione heard footsteps behind her, which she ignored as she presumed they belonged to Draco. This was until a small scared voice said, "Daddy, Mummy is being sick." Hermione quickly turned around to see Cassi standing behind her.

She attempted to soothe the trembling girl by saying, "It's fine, Mumma's fine you go find Dadda and sit with him, okay baby girl."

This was all she could manage before she turned back to the toilet and re-emptyed her guts. She felt fingers run through her hair and pull it back, as to prevent the sick from getting in her hair.

"Shhh.", soothed Draco, as Hermione pulled close to him, "It's okay, it's just our babies way of saying hello."

Hermione slowly sat back up and regained her strength. She looked deathly pale, as if a Dementor had sucked the life out of her.

"How about you go and have a nap", suggested Draco, rubbing circles on Hermione's flat stomach.

"No, I still have nothing to wear and the reunions this evening, and I'm a mess and I look horrible and everyone is going to hate me and you forever", ranted Hermione.

"One you do have something to wear, Pansy just mailed her latest dress through to you. Secondly, your never a mess and the only reason you might be is because the baby just decided to make you hurl your guts up. And thirdly, no one will hate you, it's impossible", said Draco.

Hermione hugged Draco again tightly round the middle and just sat there with him for a while. After about 3 minutes, her breathing became deeper and started to even out more. She had fallen asleep. Draco lifted her and carried her to their bed and placed her gently on it, admiring her beauty.

He soon left the room and went downstairs see if any of the children were awake.

They were all downstairs, when he got their. Scorpius was cuddling Cassi, with Lyra to his right, with Cissa cuddled up to her and Orion to his left. Draco sat down next to Cissa, putting his arm around her and Lyra.

Cissa crawled onto Draco's lap and snuggled up to him. Cassi peered up at Draco with wide eyes and said, "Daddy, is Mummy okay?"

Draco sighed, he had expected this sooner or later, but I guess it was sooner. All the children peered up at him, expecting an answer, to their mothers sudden change in health. Well, you know how Mummy has a baby growing inside her tummy", said Draco.

"Yes", said Cassi.

"Well the baby was being a bit cheeky and making Mummy feel ill and making her a bit sick", said Draco.

"Naughty baby", said Cissa.

"Well, that would make you all naughty babies then", said Draco.

"But Cissa not a baby, Cissa a big girl", said Narcissa.

"Yes, but you were all once babies and your mother was sick whilst carrying all of you", said Draco.

"Is Mummy going to be sick for all the time the baby was in her tummy", asked Cassi, anxiously.

"No Cass, but if you see Mummy being sick tell Daddy because sometimes Mummy can be a bit silly and not want to tell Daddy how she is really feeling", said Draco.

"Dad", said Scorpius.

"Yes Scorp", said Draco.

"Well, me and Ly are twins, so did we make Mum more ill", asked Scorpius, clearly upset at the idea of causing their Mum more pain.

"Not really", said Draco, "If anything she was better with you two, maybe it's because she was so careful with everything she would do with herself."

"Why?" asked Lyra.

"Well, she was scared she was gonna hurt you two, that would have broke her heart", said Draco.

"Oh, okay", said Lyra.

"Shhhh Daddy, I'm trying to watch amazing world of gumboil here", said Orion.

"Ooh, sorry little man", said Draco, settling back with his children, watching the muggle television programme, which they all enjoyed so much, thinking how lucky he had been to be blessed with all these wonderful children.

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