7 year later

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Hermione, Draco, Scorpius, Lyra, Orion, Cassiopeia, Narcissi, Aquila and Leo were back again at platform nine and three-quarters. It was Lyra and Scorpius' 5th year, Orion's 3rd year and Cassi's 1st year.

Hermione spotted a mix of ginger and raven coloured hair and knew it was Harry, Ginny and their kids. They were joined with Lavender and her and Ron's kids, as Lavender and Ron went through a painful divorce, not long after the reunion ball.

Between the two families there were a lot of excited kids, as from Harry and Ginny three of their kids would be attending this year, James - 5th year, Sirius - 3rd year and Lily - 1st year, and with them they also had an excited 7 year old who longed to attend this school with her older brothers and sister.

From Lavender (and Ron) there was: Noah- who was returning for 6th year, Ronnie and Lucas - although different ages are both going back for 4th year, Aiden - for his 2nd year and Oscar for his 1st year. Accompanying then were the two youngest Edward and Bella, who are 10 and 9.

All the kids got along pretty well, except from Noah and Scorpius, who had both taken on their fathers role of hating each other, Noah because he still thought it was Hermione's fault, that his parents broke up and Scorpius because Noah would constantly make rude remarks towards his and his family.

They were all hugging and saying goodbyes and Blaise and Pansy were spotted rushing towards the train, with Aurora, Alan and Avia. Aurora was back for her 2nd year and Alan was starting his first, whereas Avia wasn't old enough yet to come to Hogwarts. 

"Take your time", said Hermione, "I mean it's an improvement from last year."

"Oh don't even start me on that, if this guy", Pansy said, glaring at Blaise, "Stopped looking in the mirror every 5 seconds we would have been here with time to spare."

"Pansy, I feel so sorry for him, I had to deal with him at Hogwarts and he took even longer than me at getting ready in the mornings", said Draco.

"Well that's a start, the amount of time that Draco spends in the shower, I'm surprised I ever get to shower", said Hermione.

"The offer to join me is always there", chuckled Draco.

Harry raised his eyebrows and said, "Woah, woah, woah, kids and surrogate siblings here that don't need to hear that."

Hermione blushed whilst Draco just continued to smirk.

Just then, they funnel from the train made a sound and smoke came up, the train spoke and said, "5 minutes until the train leaves."

"They didn't do that when we used to come", said Ginny.

"Ginny, honestly, you say this every year, it's not like anything has changed since the first time James came here", said Harry. 

They all set to putting their children on the train, and Cassi took Hermione aside t talk to her.

"Mum, what if I get put where nobody knows me or likes me", said Cassi.

"Cassi, you are the most likeable person I know. I'll tell you something about me when I was a first year, not only was I know it all who had no friends, but I was completely new to this world, my parents were muggle and I was an only child. You have Lily, Alan, Oscar and Ella in your year that you already know and then all your older siblings, you will be fine", said Hermione.

Cassi then joined her siblings and friend on the train.

Draco walked over to Hermione and whispered in her ear, "What was that all about?"

Hermione responded with, "Don't worry about it, i'll tell you later."

Then the train set off, to the start of a new year.

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