Chapter 8 - New life

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It was 6 months after the reunion and Hermione was exhausted. She was 8 months pregnant and her feet and back had been killing her every day for about the past 3 months. To top this, she couldn't sleep and none of her clothes actually fitted her any more. She thought she was much bigger than she was with Narcissa, but Draco had just assured her that she was just self-concious.

Hermione woke up, after her 3 hours of sleep, and looked at her alarm clock. It was 5am. Hermione groaned, she couldn't seem to manage a normal sleeping parred at this point. 

She quietly tried to wriggle out of Draco's iron grip. She failed. Draco sat up immediately, fearing the worse, after their past few misfortunes. He looked into Hermione's tired brown eyes, as she looked into his piercing grey eyes.

Draco relaxed as he saw that Hermione was still there and settled into a relaxed sitting position, pulling Hermione back with him.

"What are you doing up so early, love", asked Draco.

"Couldn't sleep", replied Hermione.

"It's getting worse throughout isn't it, darling."

"Yeah, I didn't mean to wake you up. You can go back to sleep if you want, you don't need to watch me, I'm not Cissa."

"Yeah, I know. But I'm up now and once i'm awake, i'm awake."

"I know, baby", she said, snuggling into the warmth of her husbands body.

"To think, only a month before this new baby will arrive", said Draco.

Hermione suddenly tensed and inhaled sharply. Panic and fear fell across Draco's face. His worst nightmare, seeing his true love in pain.

"Are - Are you okay", he asked nervously.

"Yeah", said Hermione, stiffly, "It's probably just a Braxton hick."

Hermione clutched her bulging stomach and Draco put his hands on top of hers, soothing her, by whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

After about 2 minutes it stopped. Hermione relaxed and snuggled back into Draco's chest.

"Is it over", asked Draco, nervously.

"Yes", replied Hermione.

It had been about 15 minutes before Hermione had experienced yet another pain to her abdominal. This one was sharper and seemed to feel a lot worse.

She looked up at Draco and said, "Draco I don't think these are fake contractions, I think they're the real deal".

"Should I flood the kids through to Pansy and Blaise", asked Draco, anxiously.

"No", seethed Hermione, "Please just stay with me."

Draco stayed with Hermione for the remaining 2 and a half minutes. But it felt like forever. He just wanted for it to end. He hated seeing her in pain.

Hermione contraption finished and she looked exhausted. 

"Grab the kids and get them ready for Blaise and Pansy", said Hermione.

Draco went to Lyra's room first and gently shook her awake. Her eyelids fluttered open, to meet her fathers.

"Ly, baby we gotta go get ready to go to Aunty Pansy's and Uncle Blaise's, you can stay in your pyjamas but can you pack more overnight stuff."

Lyra nodded, stood up and started to grab her stuff.

He went to Scorpius' room and did the same to him, as the twins were now old enough to get ready and packed by themselves.

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