Chapter 6 - Hermione's reconciliation

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Hermione walked into main hall, where most families had already arrived and were chatting happily to each other. 

With Lyra and Cassi at her side she looked out for any hints of her old friends. Her eyes scanned over a sea of ginger, with a man with black hair standing beside them.

This was it, this was the moment she had been waiting for. No amount of time or planning could prepare her for the amount of anxiety she felt building up at the pit of her stomach.

Lyra gave her mum a nudge and said, "You're ready for this mum, just go for it, nothing changes for the worse either way."

Hermione smiled at her daughters wise words, she knew that some of her cleverness would rub off on her children, it just always surprised her, and at the best moments.

Hermione took the hands off her children and walked over to the red headed bundle. She tapped Ginny, lightly on the shoulder.

Ginny spun around immediately, her senses still heightened from the events of the war. She saw Hermione and gasped loudly, covering her mouth with her hands. Harry realised and turned around, so that he was face to face with Hermione.

"Hermione", mumbled Harry, in shock.

Before Hermione had a chance to talk to Harry, she was pulled into a bear hug by Ginny. The hug seemed to last forever and was one in strength, that could have rivalled Mrs Weasley's.

Ginny pulled back to face Hermione, still looking at her with an expression showing a mix of happiness, anger and confusion.

"Hermione, you're - you're alive", said Harry.

"Oh, no Harry. I thought everyone would have known I died 5 minutes ago. Yes of course I'm alive you daft dodo", replied Hermione.

Harry made his way over to Hermione to give her a hug as well, showing her that he still cared about her, even if it had been 10 years since the 2 had spoken.

"Anyways", said Hermione , "who are these lot?" signalling towards the red-headed children, standing next to the couple.

"Oh", said Ginny, shaking her head as she was carried back to reality, "This is James Arthur, Sirius Harry, Lily Molly and this little cutie, is Riley Ginevra."

"Lovely names", said Hermione.

"Yeah, though Harry had to convince me on Riley's middle name, you know how much I disliked my name through my childhood. But, the idea grew on me, so I let him choose", said Ginny, "How about these two?"

"Oh well, this is Lyra Hermione and Cassiopeia Isla", said Hermione.

"So are you married?" asked Harry, receiving an elbow from Ginny for his tackless questioning skills.

"Yes actually, he is", said Hermione.

"Oh, so where is he?" asked Harry, receiving another elbow from Ginny, from his terrible tact.

"Oh he's just a bit held up at the moment, he shouldn't be long though", said Hermione, thinking wistfully of Draco and her other children.

"So, whose the lucky guy", asked Ginny.

"You'll see in a bit", said Hermione, not wanting to let too much out about her husband, as that was all for later.

Their questioning was interrupted by Ron walking over with Lavender looking permanently attached.He saw Hermione and gasped at her, in shock of seeing her.

Across the hall, Draco saw this, and smirked the famous Malfoy smirk. Ron had left his beautiful girlfriend, wrecked their friendships all for the thing he now had round his arm. He looked as if he regretted his decision. Well, he should, he had everything and he gave it away.

Ron stumbled closer to the group and said, "Hermione."

Hermione smirked and said, "Yes, that's my name."

Harry smiled at Hermione's comment and said, "Blimey Hermione, do we need to find Malfoy, that smirk would rival his smirk."

Hermione blushed and then said, "Don't be silly Harry."

"Hermione, I didn't mean for anything to happen like it did -", started Ron.

Hermione cut him off, "I know Ron, we have both moved on and I just hope we can put our pasts behind us."

Ron smiled at her, and said, "Thanks Hermione."

Hermione returned his smile and then pointed to the red heads behind him, "Who are these", she asked.

"These are Noah Benjamin, Ronnie William, Lucas Damon, Aiden Mason, Oscar Leo, Edward Stephen and Bella Katie", said Ron, signalling to each kid as he introduced them. "I was going to get in contact with you but I thought you'd be upset about how fast I had moved on", said Ron.

"Oh no worries, I moved on as well", said Hermione, gesturing to her children.

"Oh, what are they called?" asked Ron.

"Well, this is Lyra Hermione and Cassiopeia Isla", said Hermione.

"They remind me of someone", said Ron, looking at the kids again.

"Don't be silly", said Hermione, with a nervous laugh.

"Oh look over there", said Ron, pointing at Draco, Pansy and Blaise.

Hermione realised that Ron was pointing over at her husband, her kids and her best friends. She looked at Ron, and said, "So, I don't see anything special."

Ron smirked and said, "Look at them and their little death eaters conference. Oh look, there is the next generation of death eaters next to them."

Hermione felt Lyra's anger build up, so she grabbed her and and squeeze it, in an attempt to calm her down. This was a failed attempt as a matter of seconds later Lyra shouted, "What gives you the right to insult them, you don't know them personally."

Ron glared at Lyra and came closer, so that Hermione could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Listen little girl", snarled Ron, "You don't know those maniacs like we do, you don't know what they have done."

"You don't know ever do you, have you ever attempted a conversation with them. No. Didn't think so, your kind don't mean to", said Lyra, sternly, now looking Ron directly in the eye.

"What did you say", snarled Ron raising his fists.

Ginny saw Ron's sudden movement, handed Riley to Harry and rushed between Lyra and Ron.

"Ronald Weasley", hissed Ginny, "I know you're drunk, but are you really going to go as far as to hit your own sister."

Harry and Hermione were both white with fear and shaking, scared for their daughter or partners lives.

By this time most of the hall had stopped their conversations and had seen the fight break out and the following words from the red-headed female.

"Ginny, out of my way", Ron said through his teeth.

"No", Ginny replied, firmly.

"I warned you", said Ron, as he swiped at Ginny and slapped her right across her face.

Hermione gasped, as Harry cast a full body bind curse on Ron and looked down at him. "Don't you ever touch my wife Ronald or you'll be sorry you ever lived", said Harry, menacingly. He then escorted Ron, Lavender and the rest of their family off the premises.

Draco washed these events with his mouth wide open and he knew that this charade had to stop here.

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