Their Hogwarts houses and kid ships

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Hogwarts houses


Draco Lucius Malfoy - Slytherin

Hermione Jean Malfoy nee Granger - Gryffindor 

Scorpius Draco Malfoy - Slytherin

Lyra Hermione Malfoy - Gryffindor

Orion Jack Malfoy - Gryffindor 

Cassiopeia Rose Malfoy - Ravenclaw

Narcissa Rose Malfoy - Slytherin

Aquila Madison Malfoy - Ravenclaw

Leo Daniel Malfoy - Ravenclaw


Harry James Potter - Gryffindor

Ginevra Molly Potter nee Weasley - Gryffindor

James Arthur Potter - Gryffindor 

Sirius Harry Potter - Slytherin

Lily Molly Potter - Gryffindor

Riley Ginevra Potter - Hufflepuff


Blaise Alan Zabini - Slytherin

Pansy Matilda Zabini nee Parkinson - Slytherin 

Aurora Leanne Zabini - Ravenclaw

Alan Blaise Zabini - Slytherin

Avia Mackenzie Zabini - Slytherin


Ronald Bilious Weasley - Gryffindor 

Lavender Doris Brown - Gryffindor 

Noah Benjamin Weasley - Gryffindor

Ronnie William Weasley - Gryffindor

Lucas Damon Weasley - Gryffindor 

Aiden Mason Weasley - Gryffindor

Oscar Leo Weasley - Hufflepuff

Edward Stephan Weasley - Gryffindor 

Bella Katie Weasley - Slytherin


Neville Frank Longbottom - Gryffindor

Luna Athena Longbottom nee Lovegood - Ravenclaw

Ella Alice Longbottom - Ravenclaw

Dora Emilia Longbottom - Ravenclaw


Lyra Malfoy and James Potter

Aurora Zabini and Sirius Potter

Ella Longbottom and Oscar Weasley.

Cassiopeia Malfoy and Alan Zabini

Dora Longbottom and Leo Malfoy

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