Chapter 1 - The letter

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It was early in the morning and Hermione was making breakfast for the kids. It was pancakes, as this week was May Half Term. She'd just finished adding the sugar and blueberries to the top of the pancakes as she heard a loud bang, closely followed by crying. 

She rushed over to where the noise had come from to see that Draco had already beaten her to it. He was cradling Narcissa, soothing her crying until it softened down to little whimpers. Hermione rushed upstairs to find the twins looking anxiously down the stairs.

"Lyra Hermione and Scorpius Draco, how dare you hurt your little sister, she's only a baby", shouted Hermione.

"It wasn't on purpose", said Scorpius.

"How can you see the mood i'm in and still say it was just a joke", ranted Hermione.

"We're sorry", said Lyra.

"She wasn't meant to fall down the stairs", muttered Scorpius.

"Scorpius Draco Malfoy, I don't care about your excuses all I needed was a sorry, not a annoying little retort, now both of you go and apologise to Cissa before I ban you from Quidditch", the twins eyes widened at this, "For life", Hermione finished.

With this the twins ran downstairs in attempt to find their baby sister and prevent them from getting a life long ban from their favourite past time.

Hermione felt arms snake around the centre. She looked up to meet her husbands grey calming eyes. She felt more relaxed and had calmed down considerately from her rant.

"What was all the screaming about Mione", asked Draco.

"Oh, just the twins endangering their siblings lives once again, for their entertainment. Sometimes I wonder how I could have raised them, because I can't have done a good job, if they can be so cruel to people they love", said Hermione, breaking down into tears.

"Oh, Hermione, love. You did a wonderful job with all our children, they were just playing like all children do."

"Well, what if the next one turns out heartless and doesn't care at all about anyone and destroys the wizarding world and-", started Hermione, before Draco cut across.

"Next one, I thought we agreed to stop after 5."

Hermione glanced up at Draco, "Please don't be mad."

Of course I won't be mad, I love you Mione even though your crazy sometimes".

Hermione giggled, "Well, would you be mad if I said we have baby number 6 in our presence."

"Your pregnant", gasped Draco.

"Yes, Drake I am."

Draco lifts Hermione up into his arms, before kissing her passionately on the lips.

"Yuck, Mummy and Daddy are kissing", shouted Orion.

Draco ended the embrace and put Hermione down, but still kept her body close to his, hugging his beautiful wife.

"What a charmer", smirked Draco, ruffling Orion's hair.

Hermione suddenly remembered about the breakfast she had made. "Oh, kids breakfast is ready", said Hermione.

Hermione and Draco made there way slowly down to join their children at the breakfast table.

Once everyone was there and seated, they started eating the delicious blueberry pancakes Hermione had made. The room was filled with happy munching sounds, nobody stopping to talk, as they were savouring the pancakes.

Two barn owls appeared at the window, and Draco went up to open the window and collect the post.

"Hey Mione, we have Hogwarts post", said Draco.

"But the twins aren't starting this year and the others are all far too young", said Hermione.

Draco's face paled as he saw the names on the front, "Mione they're for us".

Hermione stood up and made her way towards Draco, grabbing her letter out of his hand, and ripping it open to reveal the letter inside.

It read:

Dear Hermione,

We are holding a Hogwarts reunion to signal 10 years since the end of the war. It will be held on the 24th June 2005. Be sure to bring any boyfriend/fiancé/husband and kids. 

Minerva McGonagall

PS: I hope you can make it.

Once both had been read Hermione handed hers to Draco so he could read it through.

"I guess we got the same letter", said Hermione, quietly.

Draco chuckled to himself, "Yes and I plan to bring my gorgeous husband don't I."

Hermione gave him a glare and said, "Oh, you know what I mean, they both have the same overall message."

"Yes apart from the PS part, you really were a teacher's pet did you know that?"

"Shut it Malfoy", snarled Hermione.

"Who are you talking to the are currently 8 Malfoy's in the room", sneered Draco.

"Dad, you really need to work on your maths, there are only 7 of us", said Lyra.

"In fact, miss smarty pants, there are 8 Malfoy's in the room, because me and your mum have to tell you something", said Draco, glancing over at Hermione.

"Well, seeing as your dad's already spilt the beans, you're going to be getting a new baby brother or sister. I'm pregnant."

"Yay", shouted Lyra and Scorpius in sync, it was a twin thing, and it put people of sometimes.

Orion and Cassi didn't say anything but they had a smile on their face, which danced all the way up to their eyes.

But Narcissa didn't take as well to the news, "No new baby, Cissa baby, mummy and daddy no love me anymore", said Cissa, before bursting into tears.

Hermione scooped Cissa into her lap, cradling her head in her chest. She said, "Just because we are having a new baby Cissa doesn't mean we will love you any less."

Draco knelt next to her, "You don't have to share our love, because our hearts just keep growing with us."

Cissa smiled obviously happy with the answer her parents had just given her. She crawled off Hermione's lap and back to her seat. 

"Now that that is over", started Hermione, "What are we going to do about this reunion thing, then."

"Well, why don't we just go and see how the evening runs", suggested Draco.

"See, how the evening runs. Draco darling, most of the people there think I'm either still in Australia or dead", said Hermione.

"Well, then maybe it's about time we put them right, and how about when we are doing that we can mess with them, just a little bit", said Draco.

"But, they're my friends", said Hermione.

"Fine, but can we mess with Weasel."


"Just a little bit", pleaded Draco.

"Fine, but just a little bit", said Hermione, reluctantly.

And with that the whole family went back to eating their pancakes.

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