Chapter 7 - Hermione's husband

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Draco was so worried for Lyra, Cassi and Hermione, that he forgot about everyone else in the room and rushed over towards them.

"Are you alright", Draco said to Hermione, with a worried look plastered across his face.

"She's fine Malf - Draco. Anyway why does it matter to you?" asked Harry.

Well isn't a man allowed to be worried about his wife and kid-" started Draco, before realising that he had just exposed their secret.

Hermione looked at her friends as they stared blankly at them. She didn't know if this was good or bad. She didn't want them to be angry, but she also didn't want them to be upset. Maybe now they could see why she had run off and never come back.

"Wait .. when did this happen", asked Ginny.

"Well, Draco and I got closer over our final year, especially as we were head boy and girl and sharing a living area. I went to Australia to find my parents and restore their memories, but when I finally found them there were messages around the walls", said Hermione tears starting to roll down her cheeks. Draco calmed her. She took a deep breath and continued speaking,"I had hit rock bottom. I didn't think I could come back to all the questions, I was considering ending it there. But then, I bumped into Draco, he helped me out, and we ended up going back to England. One thing led to another, we started dating, then we were engaged, then we got married and then we had the twins."

"The twins", questioned Harry.

"Oh of course you've only met part of my family. Draco, can you go grab the other kids from Blaise and Pans", asked Hermione.

Draco walked back over to where the kids were all hanging out and brought back over the boys and Cissa.

"These are Scorpius Draco, Orion Jack and Narcissa Rose", said Draco.

Cissa held her arms up expectantly at Draco and he picked her up. Then they turned back to the Potter's, who had just about got over the shock of having their best friends and worst enemy married and with kids.

"So I'm guessing Lyra and Scorpius are the twins then?" said Ginny.

"Yes", replied Hermione.

"Wait, Mione how old are the twins?" asked Harry.

"They're 9. They were 9 in April", replied Hermione.

"That means they'll be in the same year as James", said Ginny, "He is 8 at the moment but he will be 9 in August."

"It's so good that the twins will know someone", said Draco.

"Yes, but I'm still worried about the reactions they'll get when they are there. I mean their parents are from rival houses, worse enemies", said Hermione.

"Don't worry, Harry can pull some strings, if they are getting picked on at any time James will tell us and Harry can go in", said Ginny.

"Course", said Harry.

The kids were already chatting away in another corner, except from Narcissa who was still with Draco and Riley, who was still in Ginny's arms.

Ginny say Hermione looking at Riley and said, " Do you want to hold her?"

"Oooh, yes please", said Hermione.

Ginny handed over Riley to Hermione, and Hermione started cooing at the baby. She looked up at Draco and said, "I can't wait till we have another little one to hold."

Draco nodded in response. 

"Oh, are you going to try for another one", asked Ginny.

"No need", said Hermione.

"So you're already pregnant", said Ginny.

"Yes", responded Hermione.

"How far along", asked Ginny, excitedly.

"About 6 weeks", said Hermione.

"Are you all okay with this M - Draco", asked Harry.

"Yeah", responded Draco, "We both always wanted a large family, both being the only child, and I'm just as excited as Mione, just I don't tell everybody I meet."

"I don't", Hermione, with a pout.

"Of course not", said Draco, sarcastically.

The reunion went on just fine after that, even with Blaise and Pansy joining them after a bit. The kids chatted and played the whole evening. That was the thing Hermione loved so much about kids, it didn't matter about families or backgrounds, kids would be so open to everyone and play with anybody willing to play.

It began to get late and Draco and Hermione were trying to round up the kids to leave, as Narcissa was dosing off on Draco's lap, Hermione was exhausted and Draco had a meeting at Malfoy Enterprises tomorrow morning. 

"Mummy" said Cassi, excitedly, "Can, Lily come for a playdate soon, please, she's really fun to play with."

Hermione looked over at Harry and smiled. "Cass, I'm sure we can invite the Potter's round soon", said Hermione.

"The Potter's", questioned Cassi.

"Yes, sweetie, that's there surname, so if I'm talking about all of them I will probably say the Potter's", replied Hermione.

Hermione, Draco, Pansy and Blaise rounded up all their kids, said their goodbyes and apperated home.

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