Chapter 5 - Malfoy's arrival

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Once they had all arrived in Hogsmede, they all went back to their own families and started walking up to their old school.

They all had mixed emotions, as this was where they had met and had blossomed friendships and relationships, but it was also where they had fought a war, a place where some of their best friends and family members had died.

Draco took Hermione's hand, and she clenched onto his hand and looked at him, worry and fear etched across her face. He looked at her reassuringly and held her hand tighter.

It took them about five minutes, to reach the gate. By that time, Cissa was being carried by Draco and the rest of the kids were moaning about the trek it had been to get up here.

Hermione honestly wished that it had taken them longer. She wasn't really looking forward to seeing her old friends as much as she thought she did.

Draco whispered, "If you really don't feel comfortable about this, we can always jack it in and take the kids home."

Hermione shook her head at this and said,"I have to face them sooner or later. How would people feel if they found out from Scorp and Lyra, when they start going to Hogwarts. I don't want to put my kids in that permission, Draco."

"Yeah, your right, they're probably get picked on enough for having a death eater for a father, let alone having a mother who was meant to be dead or in Australia", said Draco.

Hermione took a deep gasp and pushed the gate open, but Draco stopped her from walking through.

"Let's have some fun, hey", said Draco, "How about you meet with all your old friends and say your hello's without me."

Hermione looked confused at this concept, but Draco started to finish his explanation.

"You could take Lyra and Cass, as they both look a little more like you. Don't let on till I com over and then you'll see what I can do."

Hermione frowned a little and said, "Okay - just don't be too hard on Harry and Ginny. They haven't done anything to hurt me, well, not deliberately."

Draco nodded and the kids separated to their assigned parent. They went through the gate, Hermione, Lyra and Cassiopeia, followed by Draco, Scorpius, Orion, Narcissa and the Zabini's.

It was time to remind them all about Hermione and what she was capable of.


Sorry guys, a bit of a filler chapter, I think the next one will be the best one though. If you have any ideas for future stories, especially Dramione please comment them below or private message me, I will always reply. 


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