Chapter 4 - Getting ready with the Potters

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It was 2 in the afternoon and the Potter household was buzzing with excitement for the reunion.

Ginny was the most excited, all day she was just praying that her old best friend would be back from Australia to attend. 

Harry walked into their bedroom. Ginny looked round at him and said, "I hope Hermione comes", said Ginny.

"Gin - ", started Harry, but he was interrupted by Ginny's rant of excitement.

"I mean I know it's a long way from where she lives now but, still it's a once in a lifetime opportunity", ranted Ginny.

"Gin. She hasn't been seen by anyone in the past 10 years, it's next to impossible she would travel all the way to England fro Australia, if she is still alive", said Harry, sadly.

Ginny's eyes well up with tears, as she said, "Harry, how can you possibly think like that."

Harry came over to Ginny and pulled her into a hug. "Ginny, I guess it's just she hasn't spoken to us in so long. We were 2 of her closest friends, I don't see how someone could just forget about a person like that."

"She might not have forgotten, she could have just been busy", mumbled Ginny, into Harry's damp shirt.

"Ginny, it's time to face it, nobody can be that busy for ten years. No one can be so busy for ten years, that they wouldn't talk or communicate with anyone from the wizarding world for ten years. The reality is she could be dead. Gin we have to face that.", said Harry.

"I know but we can hope, an't we"< she said, drying her eyes.

"Yes, we can. But for now lets just get ourselves and the kids ready for this reunion", said Harry.

With that, Ginny went to her wardrobe and selected her dress. It was a beautiful dress, the colour a cross between maroon and red. It had patterns on silk at the bottom and the top.

Ginny's dress

She was about to slip it on, when she turned around to see Harry still there

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She was about to slip it on, when she turned around to see Harry still there.

"Out", she commanded.

Harry looked at her and said, "Gin, we are married and have four kids, it's nothing I haven't seen before."

"Did I say it wasn't", said Ginny, "Now, OUT!"

Harry saw how his wife's anger levels had increased and left the room immediately.

Once Harry had left she slipped on her dress, put in some earrings and started attempting to put her necklace on. No matter how many times she tried, the chain link just kept slipping through her fingers.

She sighed and shouted,"Harry"

Harry peered round the door and Ginny held out her necklace for him to take and do up for her.

Harry smirked and said, "So now it's okay for me to be in here, is it?"

"Yes, I suppose so", said Ginny, with a small smirk appearing on her face.

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