Chapter 4

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It felt like he only sleeps for 10 minutes when he hears his phone's alarm. Yunho starts to whine but is cut off short when he has to cough. He felt light headed and lethargic.

Gathering his energy, Yunho then sits up and suddenly his room begins to swirl.

Oh no.. Not right now.. I can't be sick now.. I have so much to do...

Yunho shakily stands up after he deems that he is fine and slowly trudges to the closet and picks a pale blue long sleeved shirt and changes into it. He then grabs his jeans and wears it.

He grabs his backpack and he goes out of his house.

He felt like fainting but he still walked to the tea house slowly.

Arriving at the tea house, he let himself in and put his backpack at the back before he went to do his usual job. At this point his coughs have gradually become worse.

Mingyu and Wonwoo are worried. Yunho had come in looking pale, walking very slowly and now they had heard him coughing a few times. Everytime they ask Yunho if he's alright, Yunho will answer he is fine and he didn't say anything and keep doing his job at making the teas.

When they saw Yunho had stop making teas and is going to the back to fetch his backpack, Wonwoo ask him,

"Yunho ah? Are you sure you are alright to go to your class today? You look paler than this morning.."

Yunho didn't realize that his fever had gone worse as he was focusing not to faint but he is determined to still go to his classes.

"Yes. I'm fine hyung. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"You don't have to come tomorrow if you're not feeling well Yunho ah. It's fine. Rest tomorrow." says Mingyu worriedly.

Yunho sighs silently. He really hates to worry about his hyungs but he really didn't know if he can make it tomorrow too. His body seems to keep shutting down.

"I'll call you if I can't come in tomorrow then Mingyu hyung."

This answer seemed to be right as the two nodded their head and told him to be careful today.

Yunho then smiles slightly and waves before making his way out to go to his university.

At the university, Yunho made his way to his class and went to his seats, he put his backpack down and let his head rest on top of his hands on the table. It seems he had fallen asleep as he barely registered with the professor coming in. Struggling to concentrate on the lecture, Yunho tries his best to copy whatever notes the professor gives.

Yunho felt cold. He shivers from time to time as the lecture ends. He still didn't give up though. Yunho then went to his next class. The one he skips yesterday. Feeling a bit anxious as he dreaded that the professor might call him and ask why he didn't come in yesterday, the professor just looked at him and told him to go to his seat before the professor starts talking for today's lecture.

Sighing in relief, Yunho went to his seat and listened to the lecture.

After his class ended, Yunho had started walking to go to the bookstore but suddenly in the middle of the hallway, Yunho felt very light headed and he swayed dangerously before he stumbled and fell to the floor.


Yunho had not completely fainted but his mind is very sluggish and he didn't recognize whom the voice that calls him belongs to.

Suddenly he felt someone pulling his hands and tried to make him stand.

He barely registered that someone had put him on his back and carried him to who knows where.

A Drunken Mistake. -YunGi-Where stories live. Discover now