Chapter 5

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Good for nothing

W-what? S-stop. P-please. L-leave me a-alone. S-stop. P-please. I'm sorry.

Yunho startled awake.

Breathing heavily, Yunho sits up on his bed only to fall down again. He tried again and fell down again. It seems that his limbs have turned into jellies. Yunho sighs heavily.

He managed to grab his phone but he had to hold his phone with both of his hands and check the time. Yunho's eyes widen. He had been asleep for almost a day! It's already 10pm.

I still feel like shit though..

Yunho sighs. He just hopes that tomorrow he can get up and go to his jobs and classes. He really can't afford another sick day.

Yunho closes his eyes, sighing.

Open your mouth pretty boy. Come on. That's it. Shhh. It will feel good later. Well I will feel good later. Don't even care about you.

Yunho opened his eyes and shook his head.

What was that..? A memory..?

Yunho shivers when he suddenly remembers the disgusting feeling. The hands wandering all over him. The disgusting feeling when that boy pushed into him. The pain. He shakes his head trying to get rid of the disgusting memory out of his head.

Yunho feels very dirty right now that he became nauseous and tries his best to crawl out of the bed as he felt the need to throw up.

Barely reaching the toilet bowl, Yunho silently gag and throws up into the toilet bowl.

After an agonizing 10 minutes, Yunho finally felt a little bit better. Yunho then took off his clothes and went to the shower. He turned the water temperature to a moderate hot and hastily rubbing all over his body.

He felt so dirty. He keeps on doing it until his skin has turned red and sore and only then he stops. His tears keep falling throughout the shower.

I'm so dirty.. No wonder Mingi hates me now. Even I hate myself so much..

After the shower, Yunho still felt like shit and he shakily went to his bed and lay down again. Tears keep coming and it doesn't seem to stop. All of the memory he tried so hard to forget keeps appearing that he had cried loudly. He's breathing heavily and coughing but he just can't stop crying.

After 20 minutes, Yunho fell asleep exhausted from all the crying and the fever that had not gone down.


"Hey boys"

Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San, Yeosang, Wooyoung, Mingi and Jongho turned their heads to the voice and saw a very worried Heechul standing by their table in the cafeteria.

"Yes hyung? Do you need anything?", asked Seonghwa.

"Uhm.. I know that I should not ask this but.. Have you guys seen Yunho today? Maybe a glimpse of him anywhere in the campus?"

Mingi tensed at the name but stayed silent.

The others just shook their head before Hongjoong answers,

"No hyung. Why?,"

Heechul sighs and runs his hand through his hair,

"I heard from the professors that he is not in his class at all today and he was supposed to have three classes today as far as I know."

Mingi then frowns and speaks,

"And? Maybe he just skipped all of them today. Why are we talking about him?"

Seonghwa makes an eye contact with Hongjoong and Hongjoong just shrug,

"Me and Hongjoong kinda stumble into him three days ago at a coffee shop where he works."

"Me and San found him at the infirmary two days ago."

At hearing what Wooyoung said, Mingi eyes widen a bit before he make a poker face asking,

"Why was he in the infirmary?"

"He fainted in the hallway and Teukie brought him there. His fever was high that day and he also had an asthma attack." says Heechul.

Mingi was dumbfounded by the information and he felt a little twinge of worry.

"Why are you looking so worried, Chul hyung?" asked Yeosang.

"I gave him a ride that day because he can't even walk properly. He told me he lives alone so I am worried that his fever went up and he fainted or had an attack again. With how weak he is two days ago I bet that he won't be able to feed himself." says Heechul.

With this information, all of the members are now very worried.

"You said that you gave him a ride right hyung? So you know where he lives. Can we go see if he's alright? To be honest, I'm kinda worried." says Jongho.

Everyone nodded their heads including Mingi.

Heechul nodded and said, "Well let's go then."

Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Yeosang and Jongho are in Seonghwa's car while San, Wooyoung and Mingi are in Heechul's car.

They arrived at Yunho's house but Heechul said he didn't know which floor Yunho lives in so they asked the security guard and headed up to Yunho's house.

The security guard also follows them as they tell them what might happen to Yunho so he can open the door to Yunho's house.

They tried knocking first. After a full 5 minutes, the security guard moves to the front and opens the door.

All of the members gasped as they took in what is supposed to be a house.

"Wtf, this is like a room not a house. It's so small.." says Wooyoung frowning.

Mingi looks around Yunho's house and he feels guilty as he sees that there is barely anything in the house, a small bed, a table and that's it. He can see the small kitchen but it seems bare. Like Yunho didn't even cook.

Mingi then went to see the lump on the bed as he knew that's where his Yunho is.

Huh, after all this time I still called him mine.. Was my rage truly making me blind..?

Shaking out of his thoughts, he went over to the bed and he could see Yunho's hair poking out of the blanket he had pulled up to his forehead.

Mingi then pulled the blanket only to gasp.

"Yunho?", says Mingi while trying to shake Yunho's shoulder.

Yunho is pale. Very pale to the point he looks ghostly white. His breathing is shallow and he seems to take quick breaths.

Heechul then instantly was there by Mingi's side and he put his palm over to Yunho's forehead only to find it burning under his touch.

"This is not good. We need to take him to the hospital now."

After hearing what Heechul said, all the other members seemed to pick up their pace and Mingi had already tried to pick Yunho up bridal style and Seonghwa had gone over to Yunho's backpack to retrieve Yunho' wallet for his ID. Hongjoong had picked up Yunho's phone where he put it beside his head at the pillow.

The others had opened the door widely so it's easier for Mingi to carry Yunho outside.

After they finally get Yunho in the car, they rush to a nearby hospital.

All this commotion didn't even wake Yunho up once

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