Last Irken Au

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This is my favorite au so far. Info is above.
Instead of hiding in a toilet Zim leaves Earth for ten years to fight for the Irken Empire. All other Irkens are killed, and Zim retreats to Earth, injured and with no where else to go, seeks Dib's help.

Zim arrived on Earth with a badly damaged and no longer functioning Gir, he cloaked the ship and left Gir there, going to Dib's old house (now Gaz's house because why not). He passes out on the doorstep, and Gaz calls Dib, unsure of what to do with the alien. Zim was covered in bandages and asleep by the time Dib got there, as Gaz was trying to stop the various wounds from bleeding.
{Rp start}
(And I would like to be Zim please-)

Invader Zim (Zim x Dib Rp)Where stories live. Discover now