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When their hands joined, Matteo pulled Kai's smaller frame against him. His face held that of a sly smirk. "You might want to hold on, babe. We move fast." Matteo said.

Kai nodded, latching his arms around Matteo's neck, holding on to both his forearms.

The next moments were blurry and Kai's eyes were unable to make out anything other than a mush of colors that came out as a muggy brown.

Finally, after a moment, which was only a few seconds, the movements and the blur had stopped and Kai's brain had caught up with what was happening. "You okay? You look kind of pale?" Matteo asked, looking at Kai, who was still dazed.

"Uh, yeah, I've always been pale, you know with vampires and the fear of going outside makes catching some sun more of a test of bravery," Kai said, making Matteo laugh.

"You seem pretty brave," Matteo spoke, letting go of Kai's waist. Kai unlatched his arms and stepped back, looking around. His eyes landed on a huge skyscraper, which was in front of him, it had over fifty stories and every window was tinted.

"So you guys burn up in the sun?" Kai asked, looking at the two.

"No, but we have light sensitivity. Which is why, little one, we prefer to go out at night. It makes everything easier since we don't have humans tempting us every second." Matteo said, bopping Kai's nose.

"We're late," Zane said.

Matteo sighed, "I know, let's just get this over with."

Both males headed into the huge building, a small Kai following behind them, his head constantly turning to look at everything in the new environment.

"Why are humans so curious?" Zane asked, glancing back at Kai who was too busy looking around.

"Give the kid a break, he's been trapped his whole life and now he finally feels like he is breathing," Matteo said, pressing the button to open the elevator door.

Zane nodded, looking back at Kai again, who was still relinquishing himself in his surroundings.

The door opened and Zane stepped in first, Mateo after and a slightly hesitant Kai after. "Have you ever been on an elevator?" Matteo asked.

"Um, is it weird if I say no?" Kai asked back, turning to face Matteo.

"I figured that would have been the answer anyway," Matteo admitted frankly.

"I have been sheltered my whole life and forced to live in fear. I never got to explore nor experience anything I wanted."

"Do you blame us?" Zane asked, shocking Kai slightly since he doesn't seem to speak unless spoken to.

"Blame you? No. I suppose it would be easy to blame vampires in general, but you didn't ask for it to be like this. It's like blaming me for having brown hair, I can't change the fact I was made this way and you can't blame yourself either." Kai acknowledged, biting his bottom lip.

"You seem to be opened minded," Zane commented, before Kai could reply, the elevator dinged and stopped moving.

"We are here; I hope he isn't too mad."

Kai didn't question who he was, because he didn't want to know the answer. If anything scared him in this world it would have been that answer.

The three walked to a double wooded door, Zane pushing it open and entering first, Matteo looked back at Kai, sending a false reassuring smile before walking into the room.

Kai tried to take a sneak peek of the room, but all he saw was a red carpet, a few paintings hanging on the dark oak wall, that looked aged, and a fake plant in the corner.

With one deep breath, Kai entered the room, to hear a deep voice speak, "looks who finally decided to show up to the meeting. Oh, you brought a guest. Lovely." The male said his voice laced in deep sarcasm.

Kai's eyes met his, he noted the male was sitting at the head of a rectangular table, his fingers crossed between each other, a suit covered his body, the suit had gold trimming along the edges. A tie was wrapped perfectly around his neck, the color matching that of the gold. The man just gave off a vibe of being the alpha male in the room. His aurora was that of dominance, his posture showed that he indeed was the most powerful person in the room.

His hair was that of a chocolate brown, styled to the side and stayed in place with gel. His eyes were a light green that complimented his tan skin, a bit of facial hair showed and it seemed he wanted it that way and not that he had forgotten to shave that morning. His nose had two piercings on each side, tattoos peeking out on his neck and hands.

"He's human." The man stated.

"Yes," Matteo answered back.

"It's yes sir." The man corrected his eyes not leaving Kai's, "did you kidnap him?"

"No, sir, we did not steal him," Matteo replied.

The man's eyes started to glow, a gold tint now showing in the green orbs.

"You had to read his mind to find out if I was lying?" Matteo scoffed.

"You're a compulsive liar and fairly good at it too." The male snapped back.

"Zane would not allow that to happen," Matteo said, crossing his arms.

"Enough of acting like a kid," the man waved off, "we all know Zane has a soft spot for you. Now sit, let's start this meeting. You, human, you can sit next to me." The man said, expanding his arm to the chair to his right.

Kai made his way over, Matteo and Zane both more hesitant the usual. Kai took his seat like he was asked, watching the other two take seats on the other side. "Where are your manners? You never introduced your new fleshy friend."

"I'm Kai and you are?" Kai said, extending his hand, for the male to shake.

"Oh, these two haven't told you who I was?" The man chuckled, "how rude of them to not talk about their brother. Hi, I'm Luka." Luka said, shaking Kai's hand.

"You're brothers?" Kai said, looking at all three.

"Yes, we are brothers. Not by blood, I think it would be very inappropriate to do what we do as brothers." Luka said, releasing his grip on Kai's hand, Kai placed his hand in his lap.

"Now, enough of the formalities, let's talk business."

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