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"Zane, you can't cook, please stop." Luka said, trying to take the pan away from Zane.

"I can cook!" Zane pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

Kai had walked down to see Zane and Luka fighting in the kitchen about who can cook, Matteo was laughing the whole situation.

Kai watched from the bottom of the stairs, as Luka pushed Zane out the kitchen. Zane sadly walked over to Matteo and collapse into his arms, dramatically.

Matteo held a sad Zane close, "he never let's me do anything." Zane whined out like a child.

Kai let out a giggle at the three males, making them all turn and look at him. "You are suppose to be sleeping we were going to do a cute picnic in the woods."

"But shouldn't we fear the werewolves?" Kai joked.

Matteo rolled his eyes, "they don't live around this area."

"What wait? Werewolves are real?" Kai questioned, his eyes going wide.

"Well yeah, they were the lucky ones who weren't found out. They keep a much lower profile." Zane said, "plus werewolves tend to stay within the woods to avoid being spotted."

"Are they dangerous?" Kai asked, going and sitting down beside Matteo, Zane instantly leaving Matteo's lap and picking Kai up, taking the younger's seat and placing Kai on his lap. Kai's back pressed up against Zane's hard chest.

Luka laughs, "the only thing dangerous about them is when they get wet they smell like dog."

"So they aren't a danger to vampires?" Kai asked.

Matteo shook his head, "no, there isn't no war between us. Their bite doesn't kill us and their wolves aren't out to attack us."

"Twilight got it all wrong." Kai mumbled.

Zane let out a chuckle, "you're comparing us to Twilight?"

Kai pouted. "That's all I had to compare you guys to."

Luka was laughing as he worked around the kitchen.

"We are nothing like those terrible movies. Trust me, that movie is a complete joke in the vampire community." Luka spoke as he finished up with cutting the fruit.

"So how long will I be stuck in a cabin with you three?" Kai asked.

"Geesh, don't sound too happy." Zane mumbled, nuzzling his face into Kai's neck, pressing light kisses.

Kai tilted his head to the side allowing Zane more access, who happily accepted the action and began nibbling on the tender skin.

Kai moaned softly, enjoying the feeling of Zane's lips on his neck. Zane's teeth brushed over the skin, poking at it. "Mhm, you smell so good." Zane said.

Kai adjusted himself, accidently grinding down on Zane, who let out a groan in response.

"We can skip the picnic and just dine in, instead." Matteo said, pulling Kai from Zane and making him straddle his lap.

"And eat what?" Luka said, winking at Matteo.

"Hmm, I don't know," Matteo said, tapping his finger against his chin, acting like he was thinking, "maybe something plump and juicy," Matteo said, grabbing Kai's butt, squeezing harshly, making Kai squeal.

"W - What are you guys doing?" Kai asked when he noticed Zane get up and Luka walking over to them.

"Well, we decided we wanted to have some fun time with our fiancé." Luka said, picking Kai up and placing him on the counter, getting between his legs, rubbing his crotch against Kai's.

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