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Kai spent most of his day, trying to ignore Luka because after that morning he was not about it.

He was currently in the kitchen, getting a glass of water when he heard Luka walk down the stairs, he glanced up to see said male shirtless, with water dripping down his chest, his hair went and sticking to his forehead, his sweatpants dangerously low and tattoos on full display.

Kai choked on his spit, making Luka look at him and smirk, "you okay there?"

Kai's eyes darted away from the male's chest and back to his eyes, "y - yes." Kai stuttered, darting his gaze to the floor.

Luka was in front of him, lifting his chin, "when you are talking to me, look at me." He said, his voice dropping to a lower tone.

Kai looked up meeting Luka's now darker eyes, "good boy." Luka spoke, releasing Kai's chin.

The smaller male nibbled on his lower lip, Luka's eyes watching this action, he pressed his thumb against Kai's lip, pulling it away from his teeth.

"If you don't stop, I might do something."

"Like what?" Kai asked, tilting his head to the side.

Luka's eyes darken, even more, his eyes scanning over Kai's face. "Wouldn't you like to know, kitten?" He said a gust of wind brushes against Kai and Luka was gone.

Kai looked around, pouting, going back to getting himself some water.

Luka was a wild card.

One minute he is angry, speaking words of hate to Kai. The next he is treating Kai like a piece of glass he is afraid to break.

Kai knew it was Luka fighting off his true self, to keep this in front of a heartless, cold male, but he knew if Luka was as cold as he acted, he wouldn't have been here watching over Kai for his brothers.

"You sure do think a lot," Luka screamed from upstairs.

Stop reading my mind.

"Stop thinking about me all the time and I won't."

Kai scoffed and rolled his eyes, chugging down his water and plopping down on the couch, turning the t.v. on, happy to see Zane got cable for him.

He felt some wind and saw Luka was now sitting beside him, "let's watch some Judge Judy." Luka said, grabbing the remote.

Kai cried out, reaching over and trying to grab the remote, Luka laughed and put it above his head. Kai climbed on top of Luka, stretching up and finally getting the remote.

"If I knew it would end up like this, I would have done this a long time ago," Luka said, his hands finding their way to Kai's waist, holding him there.

Kai blushes, "h - hey," Kai whined out, seeing amusement fill Luka's eyes.

"You're cute when you blush," Luka stated, releasing his grip on Kai's slim hips. Kai got out of the male's lap, changing the channel to Judge Judy for Luka who smiled slightly at the kind gesture. Kai figured it was because he hasn't gotten treated kindly in a long time.

Kai wanted to treat him with love and care as he deserved, but those walls weren't going to break down in a few days. Those walls are what is keeping Kai at bay, he didn't want to force Luka to change. He wanted to show Luka, that even when he is being the harsh male he normally is, Kai would still be there, trying.

With a bit of boldness, Kai went and laid his head on Luka's lap, who jumped at the sudden action, but soon relaxed and allowed Kai to do such.

Kai knew that tomorrow could be a different Luka, so he was going to enjoy this softer side while he can.

Luka's hand found its way into Kai's soft locks, brushing his hands through it.

Kai hummed happily, rubbing his cheek against Luka's lap.

Kai's eyes began to feel heavy and he slowly fell asleep in Luka's lap, mumbling out, "I like this you better." Before dozing off.

Luka let out a sigh, his fingers still tracing through Kai's hair, "I'm sorry." He whispered, kissing Kai's temple.

Luka wanted to be good, he wanted to feel love and have someone to love, but he didn't deserve it.

His brothers had everything together, their hunger control, their emotions.

Luka even though being the oldest had nothing together. He was scared to get close to the human, but what if his bloodlust kicks in and he ends up hurting the human.

He wanted his brothers to hate him because he hated himself.

Centuries back, this happened before, finding a human who each male adored dearly, they loved the male and Luka killed him.

During one of the intense lovemaking sessions, his lust got replaced with bloodlust and he ended up drinking all his blood.

His brothers were heartbroken, but nothing compared to how much of a monster Luka felt like. When his brothers forgave him, he was so happy, but he never forgave himself. Making him spiral into a pit of self-despair, he wanted everyone to hate him the way he hated himself.

Kai opened his heart back up and it scared him, a human scared him.

He didn't want to relive his past trauma, hurting his brothers and proving that he was nothing more than a bloodsucking monster.

He glanced down at Kai, his fingertips tracing against Kai's soft cheeks, "my little kitten, I would love you dearly, but it's not safe. I'm not safe." Luka said, picking the smaller male up and hearing upstairs, placing him on his bed.

As he was leaving he heard Kai mumble, "I don't care if it's not safe, love me anyway."

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