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"Dad highly urges us to get on common ground, because he refuses to leave us the company if we can't get along." Luka started, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Well, if dad would just leave us the company and cut you out, we'd be fine." Matteo spat back, his fangs growing slightly in dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry, but looks like little miss buttercup is going to be getting her way anytime soon." Luka pouted fairly.

"Fuck you, Luka." Zane finally spoke.

"Already have, darling." Luka snarled back, adding a false laugh and leaning back comfortably in his chair, his arms smugly going behind his head.

Zane stood up, "I need a moment." He simply said, before dashing out the room. Matteo looked between Kai and Luka, before soon pursuing without a single word. Although you can tell he needed to cool down as well.

Kai remained quiet, his eyes now looking down at his pants as he picked at some random loose string that seemed more fascinating than whatever the heck just happened.

Luka sighed heavily, slamming his head down harshly against the oak table. Kai jumped at the loud bang and mentally cringed at the painful sound itself.

"You shouldn't worry, human. I don't feel pain like you fleshy people do."

"You're made out flesh too," Kai stated back.

"I mean fleshy as in weak. A poor little paper cut could hurt you." Luka said lifting his head, only to where you could see his eyes, the rest of his face remained pressed into the table.

"I have a higher pain tolerance than most."

"Oh lucky you, I guess that's why you decided to join my brothers," Luka said, lifting his head, and resting again his hand.

"No. I decided to come because I wanted to see what happens next." Kai mumbled out, going back to playing with the string on his pants.

"Well congratulations, you got to see two stubborn brothers throw a fit and leave like babies."

"I wouldn't call it throwing a fit, they left before things got out of hand to cool down."

Luka scoffed, "they probably went to suck each other off."

Kai's face turned bright red at that statement. Luka raised a brow, "do you humans not talk about stuff like that?"

Kai shook his head, "most humans don't talk, but I'm sure if they did, it wouldn't be so - um sexual?"

Luka laughed, "I'm quite open with most things. I find no need to sugar coat."

"I see that. You can be very rude." Kai stated.

"So can you, it's very rude to talk to someone and not look at them."

Kai's eyes meet Luka's, "I'm sorry, I just - fights don't usually happen around me and to be honest, you scare me. I can't read anything about you. You're very closed off as a person and it makes it hard to know if you're a good person or a bad person."

"That depends on who you ask." Luka said, "Few might call me their savior and some might call me a demon."

"But what do you think you are?" Kai asked.

"I think that I'm the person who does what needs to be done, regardless of who gets hurt."

"Isn't that selfish?"

"That my friend isn't an easy question. If it's the right thing to do, but the wrong things happen, does it make me a selfish person? If I have to kill one person to save ten million, is that selfish of me to not think about the one person who didn't get to live. Selfishness can be read many different ways." Luka said, switching his head from his one hand to the next to rest.

Kai hummed softly, his eyes going back down to his lap, where his hands laid flat.

"I guess it can be," Kai spoke softly.

Luka leans closer to Kai, his face entering Kai's peripheral vision. "My brothers, they are selfish and selfless both at once. They would do anything to save each other, but they don't seem to care too much about anyone else. But then they brought you in here, I didn't know why. I couldn't figure out what they were doing, but now I know."

Kai looked up; his eyes were now trapped in those crystal orbs, which up close were beautiful and enchanting. "W - What is it?"

"You, my fleshy friend, are what could bring us together or tear us apart."

Kai gulped loudly, "how?"

Luka chuckles, "do not fear, little one. You just have something in you, which pulls us in. Matteo and Zane don't fancy humans, if Matteo saw you, he would have left you."

"But he didn't," Kai stated.

"Exactly, He didn't leave you behind," Luka spoke, resting his head on both his hands, "you have something different. Your mind is like reading a story. It's clear and you hide nothing."

Kai just nodded.

"Even then, when you claimed me to be selfish, you never once actually called me it, because you don't know me and it wouldn't be right to judge someone you barely know. Let me ease your thoughts on this one. I am not selfish; I have and will put others before me as needed. I have done so many selfless things in my lifetime."

"Like what?"

"Ah, curiosity killed the cat. But if you must know, my brothers always came before me. Literally and derogatory. I have allowed myself to be the bad guy so it's easier for them."

Kai's face turned light pink, "ooh. Um - how is it easier?"

"It's easier to hate me, rather than to love me. I'm not an easy man to love and it would be wrong of me to allow them to do such a thing. So, I put my feelings aside and made them hate me."

"But, they are your brothers?"

"Not by blood. Since we are technically dead, we don't have a family unless they turn. It's such a lonely world without a family to have."

"So you are in love with your brothers, but they hate you?"

Luka nodded, "and that's how it should be, my human."


"You'll understand one day, but as of right now. Let's continue this meeting."

"Meeting? The brother-"

"Let's finish this so we can get Kai home." Zane spat, already sitting down.

"Ah, done sucking your brother off? That was fast, guess you guys don't last long."

"Shut up, this is business matters, not personal."

"Okay, let's keep going."

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