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"Are you still pouting?" Kai asked, looking at a sulky Matteo.

Instead of answering he turned his head away from Kai.

"Matteo, come on." Kai cried out, but Matteo was relentless, not meeting Kai's eyes.

"I said sorry!" Kai defended, although it didn't do much, because Matteo had refused to talk to Kai after hitting him.

A pout fell upon Kai's face before a smirk filled it instead. He climbed into Matteo's lap, straddling him.

Matteo finally looked at Kai with slightly widen eyes, "Mattie, please don't be mad at me anymore."

The older tried not to react, but having a male as breathtaking as Kai in his lap, made his insides burst with happiness. "Okay, fine." He said and Kai was so happy that without thinking, he leaned in a placed a soft kiss on Matteo's lips.

When Kai pulled away, he just realized he had his first kiss. "Um, I -"

Before he could finish Matteo reconnected their lips together, getting a proper kiss out of Kai, who happily complied.

The innocent kiss began to turn messy, Matteo's hands fell comfortably on Kai's ass, squeezing tightly. The younger gasped at the action, allowing Matteo's tongue to enter his mouth.

His tongue ran across Kai's, before Kai pulled away, panting. "Y - Your tongue - it was in my mouth." Kai blushed.

Matteo laughs, "yeah it was, baby."

"Do it again," Kai said, pulling him back into a kiss, readjusting himself, making Matteo groan.

Matteo slipped his tongue back into Kai's mouth, running his tongue whatever he could.

Kai whimpered when Matteo's tongue ran against his own, before sucking on it.

They pulled away, a string of saliva connecting to both their lips, Matteo's hands gave Kai's ass one last squeeze.

"That was hot," Zane spoke, leaning against the frame, arms crossed and smirking. Kai's face turned red as he got out of Matteo's lap, making Matteo whine, and sit back down beside him on the couch.

"Way to ruin it." Matteo pouted, making Zane roll his eyes, "you poor baby." Zane mocked in a sad voice.

"Exactly! Like I didn't deserve t - wait, you were mocking me, weren't you?" Matteo asked, glaring at Zane.

"Duh," Zane said, in a flash, Matteo was in front of Zane and the two started to play fight around the house.

It was the first time Kai had ever heard Zane let out a true laugh as he and Matteo wrestle through the apartment. A couple of seconds later, Zane's headrest was in Kai's lap.

"I'm on base!" Zane said, making Matteo glare at him.

"We didn't agree on a base," Matteo said.

"We just did," Zane mumbles, wrapping his arms around Kai's waist and snuggling against his lap, happily.

It was the first time Kai had seen Zane so affectionate and not cold and quiet. Kai slipped his hand into Zane's hair, running through it in and calming manner.

Zane let out a puff of air through his nose and hummed in content. He adjusted and nuzzled his face against Kai's stomach, his arms wrapping tighter around the smaller male's waist.

Matteo smiled at them, waving and whispering, "goodbye my precious human." Within a blink of the eye, Matteo left the two alone.

"Zane, you okay?" Kai asked, still running his fingers through said male's hair.

"M' fine." He mumbled into Kai's stomach, making Kai giggle.

"Okay, baby." The nickname left Kai's mouth with ease.

Zane met Kai's eyes, "baby?" Zane asked, eyeing Kai, whose face lit up a light pink.

"Don't worry, I don't mind it." Zane said, a small smile filling up his face, "and I am okay. I was just being possessive over you. You and Matteo are close and when I saw the kissing, I was slightly upset. I suppose it's my fault though, seeing as I'm not affectionate enough-"

"Zane, I like you for you. Don't change for me. Matteo is more affectionate so it's easier to do things with him. I do not mind taking my time with you." Kai said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Zane's temple.

Zane quickly leaned up, his lips catching Kai's. The smaller instantly kisses back, in a swift movement, Zane was sitting on the couch, Kai in his lap, their lips sloppily moving against each other.

Kai pulled away, panting, without thinking he moved his lower half against Zane's crotch, causing a groan to leave his now swollen lips.

"I don't suggest you do that again," Zane said, holding Kai's small waist in his much larger hands.

Kai looked at him, "you mean this?" Kai asked, grinding his hips down on Zane's.

In a blink of the eye, Kai was thrown on the bed, Zane on top of him. Kai's legs spread open and Zane crawled in between them, latching his lips back onto Kai's while grinding his lower half into Kai's.

Zane pulled away and began kissing up and down Kai's neck, biting down and sucking harshly, leaving bruises around Kai's neck.

All Kai could do was let out helpless moans, under the vampires' wrath.

"C - Can I drink from you?" Zane asked, his breath fanning over Kai's neck.

"Isn't that - that dangerous?" Kai asked.

Zane nodded his head, "yes, it is, but it also feels really good," Zane admitted.

"I trust you," Kai said, allowing Zane to bite into his neck and slowly suck the warm liquid.

Pleasure shot throughout Kai's whole body and a loud moan left his lips, Zane's hands dipped into Kai's waist, slowly moving his hand up and down Kai's length.

Soft mumbles and pleads of "please" and "more," kept leaving Kai's mouth as his hips kept meeting Zane's slow and teasing pace.

Zane moaned at the taste of Kai on his tongue, drinking slowly, savoring his blood.

His hand began to work faster against Kai's cock, making him a panting mess. "Ah, please." He begged although he didn't know what he was begging for.

Zane sucked harshly, tugging faster on Kai's dick, making Kai let out a scream of pleasure before coming into Zane's hand.

Zane pulled away, licking the mark and taking his hands out of Kai's pants, licking the substance of his long fingers.

"Damn, princess, you taste good," Zane said, not saying which liquid tasted good.

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