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The wedding day had all boys on edge. Zane had already ruined his suit and had to go and rush to find an other one. Matteo had decided eating Cheese Puffs was a good idea and was now struggling to get a orange stain out of his white under shirt. Luka, well Luka, he was sweating through his jacket, leaving a stain that could be seen a mile away.

All males were on edge, expect for Kai, who was in a completely different part of the house, getting ready.

His mother was by his side, of course Kai explained everything, from the night he first met them all, to how he fell for each one and how he felt.

His mother smiled warmly at Kai after everything and admitted to Kai something that changed his life. "Long ago, I fell in love with a vampire. Of course I didn't know what he was at the time, but when things got serious, he told me. I thought he was joking at first, but then he showed me his powers. I admit, I was so scared at first, but he never did anything to hurt me, he was still the man I loved, that didn't change. So I stayed and Kai, I think I need to tell you this. Your father isn't your real father. You are a hybrid, half human, half vampire. The only reason you wouldn't know is, because the other side only gets turned on when a vampire tries to turn you."

Kai's eyes watered, "w - what?"

"You are rare, so rare in fact, that only five people have ever been recorded as being a hybrid. I read all I could about you, your kind. You are more human then vampire, you don't need blood to live, you stop aging at the age you were bit. You can live forever Kai." His mother explained, her eyes tearing up.

"Mom, who is my dad?" Kai asked.

His mother smiled weakly, "his name is Xavier."

Kai's face paled, his chest moving up and down fast. His own father tried to turn him and for what?

"Mom. Xavier is my fiancé dad, he was the one who turned me. He hates humans."

Her mother shook her head, "no dear, he hated me. When I found out I was pregnant with you, I left him. Moved far away and met Mat, who was okay with taking care of you like his own."

"Why did you leave?" A voice spoke from behind them, Xavier was standing by the doorway.

"Why are you here?" Kai asked, turning to the male.

"I came here to apologize, I didn't expect to see you here." Xavier said, his eyes meeting Kai's mom.

Kai's mom's eyes drop to the floor. "I'll leave you two to talk, I'm going to find my soon to be husbands."

"So you aren't mad?" Xavier asked, grabbing Kai's wrist to stop him from leaving.

"No, if you made my mom happy and treated her well, you aren't a bad person." Kai said, removing Xavier's hand from his wrist. "And I hope one day you'll be a good dad." Kai spoke, exiting the room, leaving to allow Xavier and his mother to talk.

Kai found his way around the house, going to the room where his soon to be husbands are. He entered the room to see all males a wreck. Their hands all turn to Kai, "it's bad luck to see you!" Matteo said, standing up, shirtless, rushing to the door to close it. Kai was faster and snuck in the room.

"I don't think you guys can get any worse then this." Kai said, looking at the three males, who were just complete messes.

"To be fair, you are the glue and we didn't have you for a whole day. I'm surprised we made it this far." Zane admitted, throwing his new suit jacket on. "Now come on, we got to marry you."

Matteo agreed, "yeah, let's do this," said male grabbing his suit, forgetting his stained top and just buttoning up his suit jacket. Luka took off his jacket, removing his shirt and was not just in a black undershirt, tie, dress pants and black dress shoes.

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