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Kai woke up to the sound of pans crushing and a "fucking shit, you stupid fucking metal bullshit."

Kai got up, his neck hurting a bit as he headed downstairs to see an assumed Matteo and a flustered Zane in the kitchen.

Matteo noticed Kai first, "please help this idiot." He begged, making Kai giggle, before walking over to Zane, who was currently trying not to bend the pan in half.

"Zane, baby, go sit down," Kai said, brushing his hand across Zane's back and getting in front of him, gently taking the pan from Zane's hand.

Zane's eyes twitched to a deep purple, before going back to his normal color. "Okay," he said, defeatedly, pulling a laughing Matteo with him.

As Kai began making himself food, Matteo and Zane sat next to each other. "You drank from him?"

Zane nodded.

"That's dangerous, you know," Matteo said, looking at Zane, who was looking down at his lap.

"I know, but I wanted to see if I could stop and I did. I can't be scared forever of killing people like I used to. I am stronger than that side of me." Zane said, "I have to learn to control myself, and with him, with Kai, I feel so much control and he makes me feel safe and okay. That I'm not this monster who has to drink blood to live. Please for once, don't make me feel bad."

Matteo nodded his head, grabbing Zane's chin, making him look at Matteo, who leaned in and pressed a kiss against Zane's lips.

A groan left Zane's mouth, before grabbing Matteo and pulling him on top of his lap, savoring the taste of Matteo.

His tongue pushed past Matteo's soft lips and into his wet mouth, swirling his tongue around whenever it could reach.

Matteo pressed his hips down harshly against Zane's, making a loud groan leave his mouth, only to get muffled by Matteo's.

Matteo pulled away, placing one more kiss against Zane's lips, before climbing off his lap and dashing into the kitchen, leaving a lust-dazed Zane to himself.

Matteo walked up behind Kai, wrapping his arms around the male's small waist, humming happily.

"Um, Mattie?" Kai asked, turning his head to the side to look at the said male.

"Mhm, yes baby?"

"C - Can you stop poking me?" Kai questioned, his face turning red.

"Poking you?" Matteo said, confused.

Kai wiggled his hips and Matteo knew what he was talking about.

"Oh shit, sorry."

Kai just chuckles, "you should probably go finish up with Zane, I don't need my vampire bodyguards to worry about me."

Matteo pressed a lingering kiss to Kai's neck before his body left Kai's and he heard the bedroom door close.

Zane tossed Matteo onto the bed, Matteo landing with a loud thump, Zane climbed on top of Matteo with lightning speed, both their clothes practically vanishing as they rush to feel each other.

"God, Matteo, you're just as breathtaking the first time I ever saw you." Zane groaned out, attaching his lips to Matteo's neck, making the smaller male moan.

"I - I don't know how you haven't gotten tired of me, yet," Matteo said, tilting his head to the side, allowing Zane to ravish his neck in bruises.

"I could never get tired of you," Zane groaned out, brushing the tip of his dick against the tight muscle.

"Ah, please, just fuck me." Matteo cried out, moving his hips down, trying to get Zane's dick in him.

"Needy, aren't you?" Zane said, smirking.

In a quick motion, Zane was on the bed and Matteo riding his dick, making Zane's hips push up, meeting Matteo's pace, a moment later Matteo was pushed against the wall, being fucked into him harshly.

Zane's hips were going at an animal pace, making Matteo start to drool from the feeling of Zane filling him up.

"Damn, even after all this time, you still get drunk from this dick." Zane chuckled, moving them onto the floor, grabbing Matteo's legs and throwing them over his shoulder, allowing his dick to reach further inside Matteo.

"A-Ah fuck, I feel so full," Matteo whined out, his back arching against the cold wooden floor.

"Mhm, you take my cock so well, baby. Fuck." Zane moaned out, before getting pushed away and getting pushed back against the bed, Matteo riding him again, making Zane throw his head back and grip Matteo's waist, surely tight enough to leave marks.

Zane pushed Matteo off of him, "you move too slow for me," Zane said, his hits moving at an unrealistic face pace, making Matteo let out a loud cry of pain and pleasure as Zane's hips snapped against him, making a loud clapping noise fill the once quiet room.

Zane let out a growl, brushing his lips against Matteo's neck, biting down and sucking on Matteo's neck, bringing him close to the edge.

"A-Ah fuck," Matteo cried out, his dick twitching, showing that he was close.

Zane smirked, reaching his hand down and jerking Matteo off at a fast pace.

Matteo's back arched off the bed as white liquid decorated his stomach and Zane's hands, Zane soon following after, filling Matteo up with his cum.

Zane let out a groan, rolling over beside Matteo, who quickly cleaned up the room, laying back down next to Zane, now in sweatpants.

Zane brought his hands up to his lips, licking up the substances like it was his last meal, savoring the taste of Matteo.

"You act as you have never tasted me before," Matteo scoffed, making Zane let out a chuckle.

"As I said, I could never get tired of you," Zane smirked, is getting up and putting on his pair of sweatpants.

Matteo's eyes danced with mischief, making Zane look at him curiously, "what's going on in that brain of yours?"

"We have a sexy ass human downstairs, right?" Matteo asked, making Zane understand where he was going.

"You want to go down there and mess with him?"


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