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"Life is crazy." Zane said as he drew shapes onto Matteo's hip bone, both males cuddling on the bed. Matteo's leg wrapped around Zane's waist, Zane's arm wrapped around Matteo's waist.

Matteo laughed at the comment, "when you're a vampire, I guess it could be considered crazy."

Zane rolled his eyes playfully, shoving Matteo lightly. "You know what I mean. We are going to marry a human."

"He isn't technically a human anymore, he is going to live way longer then most humans." Matteo corrected.

"I just can't even picture living so happily. It's almost I don't deserve this happy ever after."

Matteo giggled lightly, hugging Zane closer, "after everything we have been through together as a family, we do. We deserve to be happy. Zane we deserve Kai and his magically spell that he planted on us."

"What spell?" Zane questioned.

"Love, silly. He gave us this new found love that we didn't know we needed it. He was the glue that held us together, the thing we didn't know we needed. He truly changed us all, Luka is back to his old self. You became so sweet and soft." Matteo said, placing a chased kiss on Zane's lips.

"You forgot about yourself. You love yourself again. You hated being a vampire, I remember when I first met you. You weren't drinking blood and wanted to die." Zane said.

Matteo frowned, remembering, "that was after Mayvel was changed and I couldn't bare with the pain of being the person who made it. You sat with me and listened to my whole story."

Zane hummed, "I could listen to you for hours, just to hear your voice."

Matteo rolled his eyes, "oh shut up."

"It's true. You memorized me the moment I saw you." Zane said kissing Matteo softy. "I love you," Matteo said.

"I love you too." Zane said, placing a kiss on Matteo's forehead.

Matteo hummed happily, "what are Kai and Luka doing?"

"Probably doing the exact same thing we are."

And they would be right. Kai was laying on top Luka, pressing soft kisses all over Luka's face.

Who happily accepted all the kissed and smiled at the affection he was receiving. "You make me so happy." Luka admitted, holding Kai's waist tightly, his finger tips pressing into the skin lightly.

Kai blushed at the sudden confession, "oh, um, thank you?" Kai questioned unsure of how to answer that.

Luka laughed, pressing his lips against Kai's. Kai giggled into the kiss, but of course kissing him back nevertheless.

"I'm so lucky to be marrying you." Luka confesses, when they pulled away from each other's lips.

Kai rolled his eyes, but a faint blush finding it's way to his cheeks at the words. "I think I'm the lucky one. I didn't know my heart could love so much until I met you guys."

Luka smiled at Kai, "you are a such an amazing person. You put others above you and trusted us. Even without knowing us, you trusted us."

"I guess you could say I'm stupid."

"Or you're really good at knowing people and seeing who they are." Luka said.

"I guess I'm just more open to learning then to judging."

"What was your first impression of all of us?" Luka asked and within a moment Matteo and Zane were both on the bed, Matteo hugging Luka and Zane holding onto Kai.

"With Matteo, he was outgoing and funny. He joked a lot, but his smile wasn't true. It was almost forced and I could see he was battling himself, using his looks and good charms to hid within this person he made up. Zane, he was rough. His love was strong, but hard to get. He build up a wall to others that he didn't know and trusted rarely. He craved love, but didn't want to ask for it and now he doesn't have to. You, were the worst. You hated yourself so much, that your  hate spread to others. You wouldn't allow others to love you, because you in your heart didn't think you needed it. I saw it in your eyes, the pain, that you blocked out with hate." Kai said, turning and facing Zane who eyes were purple.

"I love you," Zane said, pressing his lips into Kai's.

"Me too." Matteo and Luka chimed in.

"I know, I love you guys way more."

"Even with all the blood that stains our hands?" Zane asked.

"Even with all the Blood Stains."

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