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"He's been sleeping for twelve hours, do we wake him up?" Kai heard Matteo ask. "After what we did to him, I think he needs all the sleep he can get," Zane replied.

Kai's eyes fluttered up, meeting the eyes of Matteo, his eyes flashed to light pink, before leaning in and kissing Kai in the cheek.

"We got Mayvel to come over and teach us how to cook food for you," Matteo said, smiling happily, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he did.

"Mhm, you didn't have to do that."

"Trust me, we know. This was Matteo's idea." Zane said, making Kai turn his head to see Zane standing at the doorway in a suit.

Kai's eyes ranked over the male's body, "why are you dressed up?" Kai asked.

Zane let out a chuckle, "me and Matteo have a meeting."

Kai's eyes landed back on Matteo, who was also wearing a suit, "should I get dressed?"

Zane shook his head, "no, this is a different kind of meeting. We will be gone for two days."

"Two days?" Kai pouted, sitting up and crossing his arms.

"Yeah and um," Matteo said, mumbling some words afterward.

"Huh?" Kai asked.

"Luka is going to be watching over you, while we are gone."

"It wasn't my idea," Zane added, "but we know that even if he is the biggest load of trash, he will protect you. For us."

"Thanks, brother," a deep voice said from behind the two.

Luka appeared behind Zane, arms crossed against his chest. He was wearing a plain white tee-shirt, his tattoos on display, the thin mineral showing outlines of the ones that were scattered around his chest. He wore black basketball shorts that showed off the tattoos decorating his calf and some peaking through on his thigh.

He wore a gold Rolex, to complete the look.

His face had shown no emotion, as he stood there, obviously unassumed by what Zane had just said.

Matteo wrapped his arm around Kai's waist in a protecting manner. Kai gladly accepted the action and he leaned into Matteo, resting his head on the taller male's shoulder.

Matteo kissed the top of Kai's head, rubbing his thumb against the skin that peaked out from under Kai's sweater.

"Of course, I speak nothing, but the truth for you." Zane smiled, fakely, glaring at Luka.

"I'm doing you a favor," Luka spat, "I suggest you get off your damn high horse."

"Zane, I'm fine, okay?" Kai said when he saw Zane's eye color twitch to orange.

Kai quickly escaped Matteo's grip and went over to Zane, pressing a hand against his chest. Zane relaxed against the couch, looking down at his princess.

"Okay." Zane replied, placing his hand over Kai's, bending down and leaning his forehead against the younger, closing his eyes and humming, "God I'm going to miss you."

Kai leaned up slightly and kissed Zane's nose, "don't worry. It's only two days and I'll be here waiting for you both."

Zane open his eyes and smiled widely at the action. "I know, princess."

"Come on, Zane, we have to go now or we are going to be late," Matteo said, appearing beside Kai, leaning over and kissing his temple.

"I know," Zane said, forcing himself to pull away for Kai. "We will be back as soon as possible," Matteo said and Zane nodded his head in agreement.

"Don't forget your sunglasses," Kai warned, making both males chuckle, before disappearing out the house.

Luka looked at Kai and scoffed, "got them wrapped under your finger."

Kai frowned slightly, "are you implying that I'm playing that to my advantage?"

Luka rolled his eyes, "I didn't imply anything, just stating the obvious."

Kai's eyes fell, "okay."

"Hm," was all Luka said, before walking away, at normal speed, heading downstairs.

Kai soon followed after, seeing that Matteo and Zane made him some eggs and bacon, he happily skipped over to the counter, digging into the food.

He could tell that Mayvel cooked while the two males watched.

He felt someone sit beside him, glanced over at Luka, who was just staring at him.

Kai quickly looked away, shyly eating his food, "I get why they like you." Luka finally spoke.

Kai stopped eating his food and looked at Luka, "alright, I'm interested. Why?"

"You're flawless," Luka said, making Kai's whole face turn red.

"Not just your face, or your body, but also your soul. You truly care for my brothers and I can see that they truly care for you."

"Then why do you hate me, when you know I mean no harm?" Kai asked.

"It's easier this way. I am not deserving of love after all I have done. Loving someone means accepting all their flaws and I have far too many."

"You do realize that the person you were a hundred years ago isn't who you are now, right?" Kai asked.

Luka laughed, his head tilting back as held his stomach, the sound filled the room, making an almost echo sound.

Kai felt his face turn red from embarrassment, the laugh mocking him.

"Trust me, I know fleshy," Luka said, leaning in, his lips brushing against Kai's ear, making a shiver go through Kai's body.

Luka bit down lightly on his earlobe, "that person was a lot nicer." Luka said, before disappearing from his spot on the stool, leaving Kai a blushing mess.

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