In the In Between

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In the in between

"You're gonna break something!" I scolded as Skylar tried to load up her dirt bike herself, we were borrowing the dodge and taking our dirt bikes up the mountain. It was a beautiful day, I finished my work early and Skylar had finally got her cast off a few days ago.

It's been about a month and a half since our time at the lake, since then I don't think we've been more than a few feet away from each other. I mean, sure it's my job to watch after her and practically tail her when she tries to leave... but it's easier since... well...

This is gonna sound stupid, but it's like I got a new best friend. The perk of that was she was smoking ass hot.

But... she was Jax's little sister.

"I will not!" All the breath left her lungs as the bike lurched back, all of her strength was being used just to keep it from rolling on top of her. I stepped in, putting my arms around her and grabbing the bike from her. she glared at me but I knew she was thankful. She ducked from under my arms and stood by the truck.

"I'm not signing your next cast." I warned putting her bike into the truck, strapping it next to mine.


"Where are you two off to?" Chibs smiled as he came out from the clubhouse.

"To ride." Skylar said leaning on her the bed of the truck. "you gonna come?"

"Nah; I'm too old for that, Lass." Chibs laughed. "Juicy boy will have to suffice."

She play sighed as she got into the truck, but smiled at me. I loved her smile, I don't know what's gotten into me – I don't normally even have friends let alone a girl that's a friend.

"Don't have her out too late!" Chibs said slapping the tailgate as I pulled out.

We fell into a comfortable silence, by comfortable silence I mean loud ass music and singing along to it the best we could.

When we got there we put our helmets on and immediately started to ride. I let her lead, she'd been here a lot more than I had – plus I didn't want to out ride her.

Which, I learned soon enough, that probably wasn't possible. I was struggling to keep up because she knew this place like the back of her hand and I was barely making turns in a competent gear.

We were sitting on the tailgate, drinking water as we took a break from riding. We'd been doing this a lot, we called it the in between, it was our time of the day. In between everything else – just like us. We were in between a lot of things, but mostly just a rock and a hard place.

"My hand is still super stiff, still makes a weird snapping sound." Skylar said moving her hand around. "I'm not willing to go back and get it looked at, though."

"You should if it's bothering you."

"Meh, I'll just always be able to click. You can call me the clicker or clicky... or.."

"We're weird." I laughed. "We should probably head back, it's supposed to rain."

"Are you sugar?"

"What?" I half laughed.

"Are you sugar?" she asked again.


"Will you melt in the rain, like sugar?" She smiled.

I nudged her. "No, but you might... Gremlins don't like water."

"Oh you!"

I jumped off the tailgate and ran, knowing damn well she was about to punch me. She hated when I called her anything that pertained to being short, she stood at only 5 feet tall. It was cute, but she didn't like being cute – she said. she was a grown woman. You know the routine.

I felt her grab the back of my shirt and I lost my footing, tumbling to the ground. She had fallen too, but I shifted so she landed safely on top of me.

We both laughed, laying there for a moment before the awkward slipped in. but I didn't move my hands from her sides, and she didn't get off of me. We just kind of looked at each other for a moment, like we were frozen.

I cleared my throat and she got off, dusting herself off. "I'm not a gremlin."

"Oompa loompa more like." I smiled.

"I hate you." She scowled. "Am I that ugly?"

"You're not ugly at all." I said instantly. "And you don't hate me, it's impossible to hate someone as amazing as me."

My phone started to go off, it grew quiet because we knew when I answered it that I would be called back to TM and it almost always ended up with me being sent out on a job.

Skylar knew what SAMCRO did, maybe not all of what we did... but she wasn't stupid. I knew she was worried when any of us walked out that door, I never really considered anyone worrying about us. I never really considered how anyone would feel should I not come back through that threshold. Weird how you can go from not a care in the world, just living for the moment – to wondering what tomorrow will be like because of the choices you make today.



This is just a quick short story, hope you're enjoying it! I have NOT edited it for errors yet!



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