I Just Don't Wanna Miss You Tonight

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I just don't wanna miss you tonight

"I am so sick of being here!" I huffed tossing a book that I had been reading, I was so sick of being penned up in this fucking apartment. I mean, Kozik was a nice guy and I loved him like a brother but he couldn't do much in the fact of me being able to do anything other than sit around this fucking apartment all the time! I think I've cleaned this place top to bottom about 100 times, just out of boredom.

"I'm sorry." Kozik said, for the millionth time. "If I could take you somewhere, or do anything to make you feel better, I would."

"I know." I sighed in frustration. "I'm sorry, it's not you. You've been amazing, I just don't like being penned up, especially like this."


He looked exhausted and sure enough around a half an hour later he was snoring away – one thing I had learned about Kozik is that when he's asleep to the point of snoring – he was unable to be woken.

Before I could chicken out I reached into his pocket and took his phone, going into the bathroom so he wouldn't hear me.


His voice was coated in sleep and confusion, I could almost hear him sit up in bed. I just wanted to cry, all the time I wasted – all the words I wish I would've said a long time ago.

"It's me." I said quietly.

"Sky?" he cleared his throat, waking up instantly.

"I had to talk to you, I miss you."

"I miss you too." Juice said with a small laugh. "Do you think you should be calling me? Does Kozik know?"


"I don't want you to get into hot water, babe." He sighed.

"What are you doing?" I asked lamely.

"I fell asleep waiting up for the guys to get back." He admitted. "We got a lead."

My heart started to flutter out of nervousness. "What does that mean?"

"What are you doing?" He countered.

"You gonna ask what I'm wearing next?" I tried to joke.

"You gonna tell me?" I could hear the smile in his voice as well as I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

"I want to come home." I sighed. "I don't like being away, if you can believe that."

"That is hard to believe, you were always running off." He said softly, it sounded like he was falling asleep again.

It fell quiet, I listened to make sure Kozik was still snoring before paying attention to the phone again.

"I have to go, the guys are back." Juice said, suddenly all the energy in the world in his voice. "Maybe, call me when you can?"

"Of course. Be careful."

"Babe, it's me." He laughed.


"Can I have my phone back?" Kozik said leaning against the door, a small smile on his face.

"I..." I thought I heard him snoring! I looked around, like a child caught with a stolen cookie.

"Do you feel better now that you called Juice?" He asked holding out his hand. I looked at him, still in shock.

"How did you know that I called Juice?" I stood up and handed him his phone, suddenly feeling like a teenager that had been caught sneaking out.

"Who else would you call?" He laughed. "He's your person." With that he shrugged and turned around to walk away. "I'm going to bed, next time warn me so I don't panic when I can't find it."

"Kozik." I called as he exited the room.

"Yeah, hun?"

"Thanks." He just smiled and left the room, I laid on the small bed and tried to fall asleep but I couldn't. just like normal, it was hard to sleep when you were in an area that wasn't home. when you were away from your family, your comfort zone.

I made myself some coffee a few hours later and sat at the kitchen table for a while reading a book that Kozik had gotten for me. I heard a bike coming, and my heart started to beat almost out of my chest. No one was to come here, especially on a bike. Even Kozik had to drive a car around while we were here, just so we weren't associated with bikers.

Kozik was in the room in a second, trying to put a shirt on quickly as he tried to look out the window. "I left for two seconds, a shower is all I wanted!" He said shoving his head through his shirt, pulling it down hastily.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move.

"Go into the bedroom. Now." Kozik ordered. I hesitated, too afraid to move. "NOW!"

He handed me a gun and pushed me towards the bedroom. I got behind the bed, the only real thing in the room, and listened to what was going on.

I heard the door open, boots on the wooden floor. It was slow, or maybe my brain just was over processing every single second.

They had found me. no matter what I did, I would never be safe. The footsteps continued to the bedroom door and it opened, I closed my eyes – too afraid to look at whoever had found me. maybe my death will go quickly.

I felt someone pick me up to my feet, taking their hand beneath my chin to force me to look up at them.

I opened my eyes and met two warm brown eyes, the warm eyes I had been missing all this time. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, his arms going around me.

He leaned down and kissed me before looking at me with a smile. "Let's go home." 



The End!!!

Or is it? ? ?



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