All Work and No Play

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All Work and No Play

It had been a few days since the fight between Skylar and I, I just tried my best to stay away from her. But she was making that hard, she went from no parties to every single night she was going to some rager.

Last night she got so drunk I lost her for about 10 minutes. Panicked. Found her in a bathtub, the top of her romper about come off and she was drunkenly eating carrots.

Luckily tonight we were all going to some carnival or fair.

That's right, you read that correctly.

Skylar came with Gemma, she met my eyes as I got off my bike and I knew then that the game was on. that's seriously what it was to her now, a game.

"I put one of the prospects on her tonight, I know she's been giving you trouble." Jax said from behind me. "Relax."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Told you she's a handful." He laughed.

I walked around with Happy for a while, I wasn't too interested in even being here. I stayed a few hours after dark, said goodbye with the – not feeling too great- and retreated back to TM.

I drank at the bar, a football game on the TV. I got buzzed enough that I could fall asleep, so I went upstairs to my bedroom... I had my own place, but it was always nice to stay here sometimes –where I wasn't alone.

I didn't like to be alone, I had too many voices going on in my head – too much anxiety. When I was with them, I had no anxiety – I knew what I was doing and where I belonged.

I woke up to a slamming sound, I threw on a pair of pants and my boots before running downstairs.

It was dark, but I could see someone in front of the window. I stayed hidden as the door opened and they came in. It was Skylar, she must've been out smoking. She was a foot inside the door, the door wasn't even closed and shots rang out.

I was next to her and had her pushed against the brick wall to protect her in seconds, I held her close to me so she wouldn't move and I waited for the shots to stop.

"You...protected me..." She gasped, looking up at me. I ignored her and pulled my phone out.

"Jax, someone just shot up the club house. It's just Skylar and I here." I said quickly. "I'm gonna go do a perimeter, but I don't want her alone."

"FUCK! Do NOT leave her by herself." Jax cussed. "I'll be there in ten, stay inside and keep her covered until I get there."

I closed the phone, pulling away from her so she could step away from the wall. It was quiet, too quiet. But luckily that silence was broken by the sound of bikes coming quickly into TM. First there came Jax, then Opie, Tig, Chibs, Bobby and Half Sack.

"Take her to Gemma and Clay's." Tig said getting off his bike. "Now. They want her, she's the target. Everyone knew where we were, they'd've attacked us if that wasn't the case."

"Shouldn't someone follow as back up? What if someone follows them?" Half sack stated.

"I'll go with ya." Chibs said with a nod. "Let's get goin', Jax – call Clay." I got on my bike and pulled it forward, waiting for Skylar to get on.

"What, what is happening? I'm not leaving here..." She said stepping backwards.

"Get on!" I barked sternly.

She froze for a second, but got on. My mind stopped swirling as soon as her arms went around me, I could feel her legs around me. I put my hand on her leg as an apology, rubbing a small circle before shifting gears and going down the road. All anger had faded away, I just wanted to be close to her – I wanted it back to the way it was.

"Juice!" She yelled. "Juice, There's a truck behind us!"

"It's okay!" I said turning unexpectedly, trying to lose them. Chibs was beside me, matching me inch for inch.

"Split up! He won't know which one to follow, it's too dark to see!" Chibs yelled. I nodded, I went left and he went right.

I slowed down so my bike was quiet, we had lost them. Or maybe they weren't trailing us at all. I slowed down enough that Skylar's grip loosened.

"Hey... Listen, I just wanted to say that I'm..."

Lights blinded me – the truck was ahead of us. I turned as fast as I could and pushed my bike to its limits – I had to get her to safety. We came to a red light and I had to make a decision...

Run the light – or stop.

I had to run the light, there was no real question. I didn't see any lights coming, we would cross safely.

I heard the crunch and the blow against two metals. My hands left the bars and all feeling I had, Skylar behind me with her arms around me... my weight on the motorcycle and the rumble beneath me... all of it was gone.

I heard a weird noise, almost like a grunt, escape my lips as I hit something. I felt like I was spinning and falling – like I was going to throw up. I tried to look around but it was dark, I saw some kind of lights but had no idea what they were from. It was all a blur, my head was throbbing.

Then, nothing. 

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