Enter Sandman

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Enter Sandman

When I got back to Juice's room he was laid back on his bed – asleep. Like he had just fallen back and passed out. I let out a small laugh and put the food down that I had grabbed him, thankful that I had put it in a container – figuring he might crash soon.

I untied his shoes, pulling them off. I pulled at his belt, trying not to wake him- now, that would be awkward. I got his pants off, immediately stopping to see all the bandages on his legs – the road rash. I had road rash, but it had pretty much all healed– I didn't have to keep mine covered, the doctor told me it was better not to cover so it got air. Although, it did scar pretty badly, the doctor said it would fade to not be so red – it was just like that because it was fresh... but I know better, I've got other scars... I don't know if I'll ever wear a bikini again, or even shorts outside of home. It looks like I just took a cheese grater, started at my belly button and went around to my side and up almost to my arm pit. The worst of it was my hip and my upper leg, there was nothing that could cover that.

I refocused, pulling his shirt up over his head. I saw the bandages on his ribs, the dark purple peeking out from them... I had to give him credit, he's more banged up than he was letting on. He had a small patch of road rash on the top of his hip, then deeper on his ribs and back of his arm and shoulder. He even had a small bit on his temple, but that didn't look like it had been bad enough to really threaten to scar... not that he'd care about a scar.

He started to stir, looking at me with glazed eyes. He leaned forward, grabbing me and pulling me onto him. His one hand went to the back of my neck, the other underneath my shirt and around my back.

"Sky..." His lips brushed mine, but he had no strength to keep his head up for too long. I wanted to lean into him, but he wouldn't remember this and I don't know if I could ever tell him it happened. What if he got embarrassed or worse, mad at me? What was I doing undressing him anyhow? I should've just left the room when I saw he was asleep.

"Juice..." I pulled away a little. "I don't want you to regret that in the morning."

"I won't." He slurred kissing my collarbone, his hand going up my back. I shivered at his touch, his hand stopping at the clasp of my bra. I thought about the fresh scarring that still kind of hurt when it was touched, it was definitely sensitive. But his hands had managed not to hit it, thankfully.

"You can't even see me, you're off your face." I laughed. "Jax and Ope said they were good pain meds they put you on. Do you feel any pain?" I moved from on top of him to beside him, his arms still around me. He started to nod off, putting his head on mine.

"I can't ... any pain." He said, almost in a whisper. He shifted, he was probably uncomfortable, he pulled me so I was the little spoon and his head was in the crook of my neck. He placed a soft kiss to the side of my neck but seconds later I heard his breathing even out – little snores coming from him.

I heard the door creak and Tara stepped in, she took a step back and held her hand to her mouth.

"Listen here, I was just undressing him to get him into bed – he took those pills." I let out a small laugh. "I am now captive."

"Not that you mind, I'm sure." She teased. "I'll just change his bandages in the morning, did they look badly to you?"

"No, they're clean and I didn't see blood." I said trying to shift my body. "Why isn't it all healed, like mine?"

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