Drunk Mistakes

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Drunk Mistakes

I left a note that said I had gone off to a party. What else was I going to do? hell, this time I would be free - no one could follow me around.

I felt awful as I got a cab, I felt like I owed it to Juice that I was going somewhere alone. I knew I was safe, but I had a nagging feeling that I should at least text him.

-I'm out at a party, I'll be okay. Don't let Jax lose his head.- Sent

-it's been a half an hour, and you've run off already? Unbelievable! I'm gone for two seconds!- Juice

-Hey, it's Friday night!- Sent

I couldn't believe his reaction, he's never even tried to sway me from going to a party before... of course, since our night at the lake I hadn't really been to any parties and he accompanied me to places that I did go to.

-I'm out of that door for two seconds and you're running off! What if something happens to you?- Juice

-You sound like Jax. I'm an adult.- Sent

-He's right, you're in a lot of danger and you going out when we're gone is the most dangerous thing you can do. We cannot leave where we are; they will know you are alone. Stay at the clubhouse.- Juice

-I'm not in any danger.- Sent

I looked out the window of the cab, my stomach was in knots. I regretted going, but it was too late now. I wouldn't stay long, I would drink a few and see some of my friends – then I would go home.

Like always.

-Give me 20 minutes, I will come with you. Let me talk to Jax.- Juice

I ignored his message, the ride was over. I gave the driver his money and jogged into the house, my friend Zoey was there and hugged me.

"Come on, I missed you! How did you break your hand anyhow?" Zoey smiled, handing me a bottle of beer. "And who was that guy I saw you with... Damn, Skylar!"

"He's just a friend of the family." I said honestly, I wanted to check my phone but I was so irritated that he was mad at me that I even considered shutting it off... but if I shut it off, I couldn't take pictures.

"Well, if he's just a friend you can get me his number." She winked. "I'll be his next ex-girlfriend."

I couldn't help but be irritated, I couldn't tell her the truth about how I felt about him... Or could I? She wouldn't tell him or the club...

"I mean, I do like him..."

"I knew it! What is stopping you? The whole friend of the family thing?" She laughed.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Jax would..."

"Listen, your brother is fucking hot – but he's a fucking asshole. You gonna miss out on that just because your brother will huff and puff – as he always does anyhow?"

I laughed, letting the conversation die. I mean, she wasn't wrong... I just wasn't willing to discuss it right now.. not after an argument.

I took a few photos with Zoey, posting them online, before putting my phone back in my pocket. I had a few messages and a few missed calls, a few beers from now I won't worry about that so much.

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