I'd Give Up Forever to Touch You

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I'd Give Up Forever To Touch You

Chibs pulled me into the bathroom before I could talk to Skylar more, I was in too much pain to fight against him so I let him practically drag me into the bathroom.

"I just got dressed." I hissed as he instructed me to get undressed, he wanted to look at the wounds and change the bandages.

"Well, you're takin a shower." He said sternly. "Ya want someone else ta help ya? Tig, perhaps?"


"Then get undressed lad, I don't have all day." He said cleaning up the old bandages, getting the first aide stuff ready for when I got out.

"I'm not getting naked in front of you!" I said after taking off my shirt.

"I've seen ya naked, lad." He laughed. "I've seen ya in a diaper."

I glared at him, forgetting that whole incident. I wish he was talking about when I was a baby, but he was not. I had just been patched in and... well that's a story for another time.

"I don't think ya need to be wearing those bandages." Chibs said looking at all the road rash. "Just keep it clean, wrap it if you're working or it's gonna get dirty. I give it a few more days, a week or two tops... it'll be healed."

"Okay." I nodded. "thanks."

"Take a shower, ya head isn't the best – I'll wait here in case you fall. I'm not here just to embarrass ya, I don't want you falling and getting hurt." I sighed and got undressed, I left my underwear on until I got into the shower. I threw them out of the shower and started the water.

I did feel dizzy if I stood too long, the water on my head didn't make me feel better like I thought it would. I started to feel nauseous and everything started to unfocus, I was suddenly thankful that Chibs was there.

"So, what's the deal with you and Skylar?" He asked, he was sitting on the toilet reading some magazine that was in the bathroom.

"I don't know, I don't remember a thing from last night and she's acting weird." I admitted. "I'm afraid I did something stupid."

"You don't have a filter when ya got them pills in ya." Chibs laughed. "But, she isn't punching you in the face or crying, so you must not've done nothing too bad."

"I'm embarrassed that I woke up almost naked." I said washing my body, trying not to disturb the wounds too badly. I was trying to do it quickly, before I passed out.

"Again, She isn't punching you or crying. Look, I know ya like the lass and I know she likes ya back."

"Are you sure?" I asked shutting off the water, grabbing a towel from the wall. "She hated me there for a while, a few weeks to be exact."

"Fights happen, boy." He scoffed. "Women were born to fight, I swear it on my soul. Never cross a woman, she'll kill you before you can turn back around."

"So, what am I supposed to do?" I asked drying myself off, I couldn't twist or bend so I did the best that I could. He handed me my underwear so I could get decent before stepping out, but when I tried to bend it felt like someone had pulled the cord to the power and I almost dropped to the floor. Luckily, Chibs was there.

"You still going to whine about me being here?" He asked me, literally holding me up. I shook my head no, breathing as much as I could to regain any kind of stability. He had a firm grasp on me, which was great but his hand was on my road rash.

"I feel like your da." He joked. "You want your bottle warmed too?"

"Could you?" I mocked, feeling good enough that he didn't have to stabilize me anymore. "I mean, I prefer straight tit but I'll take what I can get."

He let out a good laugh before waving me off. "You're a good lad."

"Hey, thanks." I said sincerely. "For dressing me like a three year old, and for the advice. I'll talk to Sky about how I feel, then I'll go to Clay and Jax."

He nodded. "Let's go, we have a meeting in ten minutes. After the meeting, I want ya in bed. No more pass outs – you're on bed rest."

I nodded, hoping it was a short discussion. I still wasn't thinking clearly, I don't even remember getting downstairs.

"There he is!" Clay hollered, everyone turning to look at me. "Glad you ignored the bedrest and wanted to join us, we're really gonna want your input today."

I nodded. Chibs grabbed my elbow to steady me, I needed a seat and I needed one fast.

"Alright, boys." Clay said getting up, cigar in his mouth. "Church."

Everyone got up and filed in, the girls were left with cleaning. I made eye contact with Skylar, I wanted to talk to her before I went in but knew I had no time.

"Alright, first thing." Clay said as I sat down. "Welcome home, I'm glad you're here but I need you in top shape so you won't be working or doing anything more than computer shit until I think you're ready. Not a suggestion, an order."

I nodded, I wanted to argue but I knew better.

"If you want to stay here, that is fine. If you want to rest at home, I can have Opie take you home."


"Now, I want who did this to my baby girl, my boy – my family. I want them to pay." Clay said darkly. "I not only almost lost my daughter, I almost lost a Son."

Happy clapped my shoulder with a smile. "We're glad you're not dead."

I laughed at the way Happy put it, his monotone voice trying to come off as sincere but sounding sarcastic.

"I got a lead, but I haven't gotten that far on it." Tig said telling us about trying to track the trucks to somewhere; he'd been riding around looking for anything even similar.

"I can check online surveillance and see if they don't have that night on a camera – someone somewhere caught that chase on a camera. We see the van, we might see a plate." I said lighting a cigarette, I wasn't supposed to smoke but it calmed my nerves.

Clay nodded with a small smile. "This is why we need you. I want you to work on that, okay? Up for it?"

I nodded. "What about our surveillance, don't we have something from that night? Did it catch who had come past or in or whatever?"

"Why didn't we think of that?" Tig cussed. "We could've had them on camera the entire time!"

"After the meeting, Juice I want you and Jax to look at the tapes from that night. Jax will recognize any patch or alliance; we'll go from there on that."

"The next thing I want on the table, Kozik is coming back – he called yesterday." Jax said looking at Tig.

"No." Tig said simply.

"I told him he's welcome." Clay interjected. "We'll give him a few weeks, then vote."

It stayed quiet, I didn't know what had happened between Tig and Kozik but I knew whatever it was left them hating each other.

"Anything else?" Clay asked, looking around the room a while later after a few more discussions.

I just wanted to get out and look at those tapes, if we could find even a small hint on whom it was – anything.

It was all my mind could focus on, even the thought of Skylar was being pushed back. 

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