Car Wash

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Car wash

"Hey, I'm going with mom to the store." I said cracking open the office door, Juice and Jax were in there watching surveillance footage from that night. I took a few more steps in, looking at the screens.

"Skylar..." Jax said warningly.

"Right there, a van slowed down and shut its lights off." I said pointing to the corner of the screen. Juice pressed a few buttons and the image zoomed in, but it wasn't enough to see any kind of insignia on the van.

"I thought you were leaving." Jax said rudely, he hated when I got involved in anything, let alone club business.

"I was involved, this is about me. I have a right to help." I said putting my hand on my hip, what I wanted to do with my hand was leave a nice stinging welt on his face. He always got under my skin because he treated me like a child.

"We just want you safe." Juice interjected awkwardly. "If I can think of anything that you can help with, identifying the vehicle... you saw the truck better than I did... then we'll get you."

I nodded, satisfied enough that he would consider letting me help in some way.

"How come you always look irritated after a talk with Jax?" Mom asked lightheartedly as I got into her vehicle.

"Because he treats me like I'm two." I sighed.

"You're his baby sister, the daddy's girl that had to attend a funeral at the age of 6 so you could say goodbye. Jax said from that day, he would never let anything hurt you."

I had never heard that story before, I honestly don't remember too much from around the time that John died... I remember him, but barely. Sometimes I see Jax and I think it's dad... Don't get me wrong, Clay has taken great care of us and the family since then. He's been a great step-dad, but he's not a father. He wasn't capable of affection, but I knew he loved us. He kind of stayed away from me at first, not wanting to upset me. I would hide behind Jax anytime he came around, even before mom started seeing him because he scared me.

When we got to the store it was quiet, we both had carts because we didn't like to shop often, so we stocked up about once or twice a month.

I was getting fruits and vegetables, bagging them and weighing them when I noticed someone with a patch walking from one isle to another. It felt like time slowed down, but I tried to act like I hadn't noticed. Maybe Clay or Jax had sent someone to watch over us, even though Mom swore she'd shoot whoever followed us.

I started to walk to the bread, grabbing what was on the list along with some candy that was beside it... I was trying to keep an eye around me without looking like an owl. I couldn't see mom, but I knew I had to find her without giving away that I was afraid.

-Did you send someone to follow us?- Sent to Jax

-No, mom would shoot any prospect I sent and I need the others here.- Jax

-Why?- Jax

-I thought I saw someone with a patch, I was just hoping it was one of you. I don't know, maybe I didn't see it and my mind is just making it up.- Sent to Jax

-Come home. Now. – Jax

-I lost mom, I'm trying not to make it obvious that I'm feverishly looking for her. she's ignoring my phone calls. – Sent to Jax

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