You're the Closest to Heaven that I'll Ever Be

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You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be

I stood in the front line, holding my single red rose in my hand. I felt numb but at the same time I felt like my body was being torn apart. I followed behind everyone as they went to put their roses inside the casket, my feet felt like concrete.

When I got up to the casket my lungs seized and I fell to my knees.

"Skylar." I gasped. She was beautiful, as she always was, but she was pale and still. Her hands were folded neatly, holding onto a single black rose. Her hair was fanned out on the small pillow behind her head, I just wanted to run my hair through it.

I started to sob, this couldn't be happening. I killed her, I killed Skylar.

I felt a strong hand grab my shoulder, helping me back to my feet. I looked up and it was Jax, I cast my eyes down – how could I look at him... I had killed his sister.

"You IDIOT!" he screamed hitting me. "How could you come here after what you did?"


"You murderer." Gemma hissed from behind Jax. Soon everyone was staring at me and chanting it... Murderer...

I looked down at Skylar and she was covered in blood, her head turned an awful way. Her arm broken in an awkward angle, still holding the now wilted black rose.

"Why did you let me die?" The hoarse whisper came from her bloody lips. "You had one job... And you couldn't even do that."

I screamed as someone grabbed me, I jolted upright and saw I was in a white room with dim lighting. I looked over and Opie was next to me, his face covered with shock.

"I .. Hello." He blinked shaking his head. "Having a bad dream?"

"Where is Skylar?"

"How do you feel?" He asked putting a firm hand on my shoulder, pressing me into the bed so I wouldn't sit up. "I have to call the doctor, Juice you've been out since it happened... it's almost been a week!"

"Where is Skylar?" I demanded. I ripped out all of the things in my arms, took the thing off my finger and tried to get out of the bed. "Get me fucking pants!"

"Loverboy, sit back down. You are in no shape to be getting out of that bed. I will break your fucking legs if you don't lie back down." Opie warned. "You wait until the doctor comes back, then I'll tell you about Skylar."

The pain started to make me nauseous, the room was spinning and it felt like my ribs had exploded. Did I still have a stomach? I looked down, grabbing my stomach – it was still there... it was not torn out or exploded. Just felt like it.

"Mr. Ortiz... What is with you two and ripping out IVs and trying to break out?" The doctor scolded. I looked at him questioningly but he just helped me back to my bed.

I threw up twice before laying back, my head pounding. The doctor was talking but I couldn't focus on anything he was saying. A nurse had come in, hooked me back up to everything and took my vitals.

I must've fallen asleep or passed out from the pain, when I opened my eyes again I felt like I was floating – I had no pain and I was slap happy.

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