One is the Loneliest Number

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One is the Loneliest Number

I let out a sigh as I stomped out the rest of my cigarette; I couldn't sleep so I came out here for some fresh air. Well, cancer air. ... Air. I came out for air.

I had just got back inside when I heard what sounded like fireworks going off, I felt something pull on me and I was against the wall. It was Juice, he had somehow managed to be here and save me.

My hero, once again.

I put my head against his chest, closing my eyes and gritting my teeth as the gunshots continued. I felt myself start to shake in a panic, Juice's grip tightened around me – making me feel a little better. I felt like a child, in order to get his attention these past few weeks I've been doing things that made him have to be around me. If I went to a party, he had to go with me. Even if he wasn't beside me, I knew he was still with me and watching me. I didn't know how else to get him around me after what I had done.


He hushed me and we waited for the silence to last for longer than a few moments, then he pulled out his phone.

He spoke on the phone for a moment before pulling away from me, he didn't meet my eyes so I assume he still hates me. Moments later a few guys showed up, they spoke and Juice walked away to his bike.

I sighed, I wanted to talk to him before he left... I wanted him back.

Then, Juice pulled his bike in front of me, with an expectant look on his face. Chibs was behind him on his bike.

"What, what is happening? I'm not leaving here..." I said backing away. Why did I have to leave, I didn't want to leave the safety of the club. Where was he taking me?

"Get on!" Juice's eyes were dark, I froze for a second but my feet went towards him. I took a deep breath before getting on, I was trying to keep my anxiety from taking over.

As soon as I was behind him I felt a little better, he was warm and that was already comforting because I was freezing cold. His hand went to my leg tenderly, rubbing a small circle. That's when all my anxiety washed away, everything was okay.

At least for now.

A light caught my eye, there was a truck behind us – uncomfortably close. I warned Juice and the bike went even faster. We made turns and Chibs yelled to split up, we went left and he went right.

We lost truck. We really did it.

"Hey listen..." I said just loud enough for him to hear. "I just wanted to say that I'm..."

I looked forward and the truck was ahead of us. Juice turned the bike; we were never going to make it! They were going to catch us. I saw the red light and it's like a slow motion movie – I didn't feel anything but I remember seeing the bike going flying. I remember a numb hit to the ground... and rolling...

Waking up on the ground, I felt like a melting ice cube. I was wet, cold and one with the ground. I could barely breathe, ahead of me I saw Juice's boots. I tried to move, I think, but nothing happened.

I heard tires peeling away, then moments later a bike approaching.

The next thing I remember I was being loaded into an ambulance, I fought against the people holding me and tried to see Juice.

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