You Bleed Just to Know You're Alive

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You bleed just to know you're alive

I heard a motorcycle come in the drive then cut the battery, I knew it was Clay Morrow. I also knew that he probably knew it was me that put a hit out on his daughter.

Clay and I have an agreement, an agreement I've held only because I have been planning my revenge since my son was killed.

My son that was killed under Clay's watch, something that never should have happened. No father should ever have to bury their child, especially when he has already buried his wife because of this life.

Now, I'm alone. I mean, I have my family in the club but it wasn't the same. I still went home to an empty house, an empty fridge with beer and take out pizza.

"He's here."

I lit a cigarette, nodding the prospect away. I went outside, alone, trying my hardest to keep the shit eating grin off of my face. I had not killed her, but I almost had a two for one deal... I never did hear if his one patch lived, I just know the girl did.

"It's a beautiful night." Clay said leaning against his bike, cigar in his mouth. His grin sent chills up my spine, something was wrong.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I think you know why." Someone said, a gun pressed to my spine.

"I want everyone involved. I want the people that were in the van, the shooters... I want them all." Clay smile grew. "And I want you all to get into my van."

There were 5 of us in the van, but it was silent. The man driving the van, even, was silent.

"I guess they know." Murk snorted, ending the silence.

I didn't reply, I just hit the back of his head and glared at him. "If you didn't fuck up, there would've been no witnesses."

"You know what they say, if you want it done right you should just do it yourself." He snarled. "But no, you sent us. Your slaves."

I punched him, sending him into the side of the van.

"Knock it off." The driver warned. "Or I'll kill you all."

"That wouldn't make Clay happy."

"It wouldn't upset him either." The driver said shortly.

Silence fell over us again, all I could think about was the club. This was my fault, I should've done this myself and not involved them in a family issue. Was it a family issue, or a club issue?

Soon enough we were being dragged out of the van and into a warehouse, it was too dark and they were too quick at moving us, and too rough, for us to even think about noticing our surroundings.

We were separated, I'm sure just to make us feel weaker. I knew what our fate was, there was no sense in fighting it.

"Benny..." Clay chimed walking into the room, I was tied up to a chair, tape over my mouth.

I didn't look up at him, I kept my eyes on my feet. I wiggled my hands, wondering if there was any chance at me getting my hands free.

"Your son was a good kid." He started, Jax entering the door behind him.

"He died at your hand!"
a gun? A hand? I could not tell you what hit me, whatever hit me definitely had some force behind it.

It was going to be a long night.


I felt sick, I don't know how long I had been here. It felt like days, but I knew it couldn't have been more than a few hours.

I tried to get out of the chair they had me tied to, I tried to get the tape off of my mouth by licking it or opening my mouth – to no avail.

I heard a laugh and a door slam; Jax, Opie and two others who's names I never knew, came in. I clenched my jaw, knowing what was going to happen.

I am ready for it, I signed up to be in this club – I know what this business brings.


"You were one that ran into one of my men, the one trying to protect my sister from you psychos."

"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?" I jeered, earning another hit. "If anyone is the psychos, it's you Sons."

Jax started off at first, by the time he was done I could barely see from the swelling that was my eyes.

The others didn't join, it was Jax that wanted the revenge. I respected that. But then, the door opened and they all stood in shock.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jax snapped, I couldn't see who had come in but I could only hope it was someone that could possibly stop all of this.

"You know why."

It was quiet, too quiet.

"Do you know who I am?" The man asked, picking me up off of the floor. I looked at him, the best I could. I couldn't see much, but you don't have to have perfect vision to see a tattooed head.

He was the man I had run down.

My vision started to clear as I started to panic, I looked around but it was just me and him in this room. and, I knew that only he would leave this room.

"You tried to kill me and the girl I love." He seethed.

"Does Clay know you're boning his daughter?"

I figured if I made him mad, he would lose control and my death would be quick. Sadly, that is not exactly how it went. my head hung as I watched the blood fall to the floor – the only thing reminding me that I had not yet died... but that I was not too far from death's door.

I counted the blood drops, the blood drops that matched my slowing heart beat...

The darkness would wash over me and save me from the hell that I had allowed myself to be a part of. Goodnight, brothers. I hope I did what I was supposed to and made my family proud. 

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