Chapter 10: Hello Again

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Astrid left the hospital early, saying that she had a work shift. This wasn't exactly a lie, as she was going to get her job back. She walked down the little alleyway hoping that Max would forgive her and let her work there again after quitting so unexpectedly. The pub was busy, there were people sat out in the cold and people backed inside sipping on beers. She went in and up to the bar where a small brown haired girl was stood wiping a glass.

"Hello." She said politely. The girl looked up and put the glass down and walked over to Astrid.

"Hi, what can I get you?" she smiled looking like it was the end of her shift.

"Uh, actually was wanting to talk to your manager, Max?"

"Yeah, he's in the back." the small girl walked into the back and after a few seconds re-emerged with a tall beefy man. He looked tired, until he saw Astrid stood at the counter.

"Hey Max." she smiled at him and he rubbed his eyes playfully."

"Well look-y 'ere, do my eyes deceive me?" the cockney man shook his head

"I wish it was your eyes deceiving you." she replied as the girl left to serve another customer.

"Well it ain't. What 'appened, you lose your fancy new job and your 'oping that I'll take you back in?"

"Pretty much."

"Come int' the back, les' talk."

She followed him into the back where he sat down at a small table.

"You want anyfing to drink."

"I'm alright thanks." she said and sat down

"So, was it a fancy job."

"Still pubs."

"Whered'ya go?"

"Manchester," Alexa replied and Max gave a questioning look, "I was born there."

"We not good enough for ya?" Max chuckled.

"My Grandma was sick, I had to move and look after her." She lied, "I came back when she finally decided to move into an old persons home and get cared for properly."

"Believable." the manager sad to himself.

"It's true." she lied again. Who knew lying was so easy?

"When can you come back?"

"As soon as possible, I've got a new flat but it's not very close so please don't give me early shifts." Astrid smirked, "I could start today, I know my way around."

Before Max could reply the same small brunette popped her head around the corner.

"It's seven, can I go?" she said urgently and practically sprinted out the bar after Max nodded.

"She clearly hates it here." Astrid stated, "Is there not anyone on now?"

"Yeah, some kid called Sam, he called to say that he's going to some fancy university in Bournemouth, I just thought I'd do it." He said standing up.

"If you let me start now I'll do it for you."

"Knock yourself out kid." he said as he sat back in his seat and yawned, she took off her Jacket and bag and wrapped an apron around her.

"This is what I'm good at." she grinned and Max rolled his eyes as she walked back out to the bar.

"Get me a Guinness and some crisps whilst your at it. You know, the usual."

She shouted a yep back to him and poured him his usual beer and grabbed a packet of salt and vinegar crisps from the box set out and took it back to her lazy manager. As much as she had loved living the high life with Jim, she had missed this; the smell of booze and cigarette smoke. Living rough.

As she made her way back to the manager, she noticed he had a huge grin plastered on her face.

"What?" she said as she placed the items on the table

"You've missed this, ain't you?"

"Just a little." Astrid smirked and pulled her hair back tighter.

"Yeah, yeah." he tilted his head, "Thanks Alexa."

"Anytime." she smiled back at him, "You seem a bit short on staff."

"Yeah." He chuckled and let her get back to work.

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