Chapter 26: The Dominatrix

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The Woman, whip-hand, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Irene Adler went by many names, all, of course, linked to her extremely controversial profession. Now that Astrid and Jim we're now a 'thing' the fact that one of Jim's 'friends' was indulged in a sex life, was something that disturbed the blonde haired woman.

"So basically she's a sex worker?" Astrid said the as the two got dressed later that morning; Jim in one of his signature suits and Astrid in a similar suit with a white blouse.

"She's a dominatrix, not a prostitute." Jim had said tying his tie.

"What's the difference?" She said rummaging through her shoes draw.

"Don't be jealous," Jim tutted, "anyway, she's gay so you won't have anything to worry about."

"Right." She said as if she knew, even though on the inside she had let out a heavy breath of relief.

"Have you told Seb?" He said as her approached her "you know..."

"He knows, he was there when Hansel came in."

"Right." He nodded as she picked out a pair of stilettos, "I wish you'd tell me this kinda stuff."

"Astrid Hansel" she said clearly out loud as she slipped the shoes on "I don't like it."

Jim chuckled as she stood up "that's gonna take a bit of getting used to."

"Tell me about it," she pecked him on the lips and stood back, letting him see what she was wearing, "well."

"Wonderful," he sighed and Astrid but her lip.

"Not too bad yourself," she smirked as they walked towards the front door, "where are we going."

"Belgravia." Jim answered as they approached Seb.

"Belgravia, right" she frowned, "So, she's rich then?"

"Not as rich as me"

"No, of course not."

When they left the house, Seb was waiting for them, dressed in his usual black suit and tie, Jim got in one side and Astrid in the other, not before receiving a knowing look from Seb which she returned and hopped into the seat next to Jim.

They reached an extremely grand looking house in Belgravia and knocked on the door and a small ginger lady answered through the monitor, Sebastian went up to it when the other two didn't.

"Hello?" She said curiously

"We're here to speak to Miss Adler." He said professionally and Astrid smirked a little.

"Yes, please come in." The door opened and the couple walked in followed by their protective body guard. She escorted the three to a very expensive looking front room and told them that Miss Adler would be with them shortly. Astrid and Jim sat down and Seb stayed at the door.

In no time at all a small brunette woman walked into the room wearing black stilettos and a short red strappy dress, accompanied by a full face of make up...

at ten in the morning.

"Mr Moriarty, it's nice to finally meet you." she said and sat down and looked at Astrid "forgive me for saying this, but I did intend for this meeting to be private."

"She stays."

"This is serious business, James." she argued, but continued when Jim gave her a dark look, "I needed to talk to you about Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes."

"You said you had an idea."

"I need to engage with the Holmes boys, particularly Mycroft." she smiled, "and usually you can't have one without the other, so I'll settle for dealing with both

"What trouble do you want with him?" Astrid smirked and Adler was hesitant to answer

"You've seen me, you must know what I am." She smiled, "what trouble do you imagine that I want?"

"You 'need' or you 'want'?" Jim asked in reference to Adele's statement.

"Am I allowed to say both?"


"Then both."

"In what way?"

"I get bored." She shrugged her shoulders.

"No you don't." Astrid deducted, and smiled a little at the hatred beginning to grown in the woman's eyes. "I've seen people who get bored."

"Is it really that obvious?" Jim frowned a little, knowing that she was referring to him and his favourite detective. Astrid nodded.

"As I was saying." Astrid continued, "In what way?"

"I like detectives." She smiled and Astrid frowned and looked at Jim.

"I thought you said she was gay?" She frowned and Jim shrugged and stood up.

"Do get to the point." He urged Irene on and she smiled shyly.

"You know Sherlock, you've done things with him," she stated and Astrid raised her eyebrows, "I want you to tell me what you know."

"You want my advice?" Jim frowned and stood up walking around the room.


"Let me think." He said sarcastically and stood behind the sofa they were sat on, he leant forward as if thinking deeply about what he was going to say, "something you might be particularly interested in; he's a virgin."

Irene raised her eyebrows, not too shocked.

"Tell her your nickname for the famous little Holmes boys."

"Nicknames?" Irene frowned, unimpressed.

"The iceman and the virgin." He said casually and sat back down, "I'll let you guess who's who."

"Right." She smiled, "I'll be sure to mention it to them."

"You have to have thought something up?" Astrid said, "do you have some sort of leeway?"

"I have protection"

"Protection from what?" Jim's asked.

"People who want to kill me."

"What protection?"


"Photos?" Astrid said extremely confused.

"I think we've established my career," she said, with a clear amount of dislike towards Astrid, "what type of photos do you think."

"Of course." Astrid replied, slightly uncomfortable. Adler looked at her, as if she could pierce holes into the blondes forehead. They stared at each other, both repelling a large degree of hatred towards each other, before Jim interrupted.

"Irene." He said and the girl looked up, "I'd appreciate it if you didn't murder my friend with your stare."

"Apologies." She said and averted her eyes to the consulting criminal.

"I cant tell you things. How to play the Holmes boys" He tilted his head, "but if your trying to get into the iceman's business, i assure you, your going to need some pretty convincing photos."

"Oh I do, I'm sure Mycroft will not want the pictures I have in my possession to get out to the film," She smiled and looked a him, "now, let's begin."

They spent about an hour with the woman, they talked about both of the Holmes boys, and Astrid learnt many things about the Iceman and the virgin that she didn't know and they had a plan set. It wouldn't be put in action for a few months, which Astrid thought to be a good thing.

It was something that she wouldn't have to worry about for a while, she could focus on the more important things, like finding out more about her dad, speaking to Ana about her encounter with the devil.

And of course; about hers.

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