Chapter 21: The Big Day

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Today was the day, she knew it. The highly anticipated meeting of the consulting masterminds, the detective and the criminal. After their little talk with Mrs Wenceslas, Astrid decided that to make it seem like she wasn't trying to listen in on there information, she would spend the day away from them, tonight she was working the later shift from eight to eleven, so she decided to go shopping.

She spent the majority of the afternoon going through different clothes stores trying to find an appropriate outfit to wear for the special occasion.

A good two hours of walking around Westfield meant that Astrid decided to reward herself with a short trip to Starbucks before setting off on a train journey to her famous pub. In this time she took the opportunity to speak to her favourite blonde haired security guard.

Hey Blondie


She typed sipping on her take out chai latte. After a few minutes, a reply came.

All good, Blondie?


She smiled

Yeah, at the moment. I asked Jim who Andrew west was and got no reply, so I thought you might know.


She imagined that the long pause was because the tiger was considering whether to tell her the connection.

He had the Bruce-Partington missile plans, lost them to his fiancé's brother who ended up smashing his head in and chucking him on a train.



Right, and who has the plans now?


She was probably being a bit too nosy, but oh well, she deserved the truth.

Who do you think?


Of course

Sherlock, right. Is it connected?


Before the reply came, there was a phone call from Ana, she frowned and quickly texted Seb before answer.

"Hey Ana." she greeted

"Where are you?" Ana asked quickly.

"On the tube, why?"

"It's your father, he's found me. It won't be long until he finds you."

"Oh, shit. He already has found me."

"What do you mean?"

"The formula's gone, my new apartment was a tip and the formula was gone."

"And you didn't think to tell me any of this?"

"I'm sorry, Ana, I didn't know what to do." she panicked, "where is he?"

"He's about to smash down the front door." she whispered as a loud thud could be heard, "I'm in the corner of your old room."

"Don't let him do anything, tell him where I work, he can find me, but I'll only comply if he doesn't hurt you."

"I'll say that." she whispered as she switched off the phone. Astrid sat down, at first not realising the small chain of texts from Seb.

Are you okay?



Alexa, please answer me!

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