1980s horror film

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can we all just take a quick moment to appreciate wallows? okay thank you:D

715 words
1980s horror film + wallows
first person

"she walked me back
into her room
but just to see
a nineteen eighties horror film."


"wanna come over? i'm lonely..." her voice faded. my breath hitched, did she want me?

"sure, i'll be over in twenty." my voice was a little shaky, hopefully she didn't notice.

after we hung up, i ran up to my room and sprayed my cologne that she claims she's addicted to. i made my hair a bit messy, which she also says she loves. i was trying as hard as i could to make myself irresistible to her. impressing someone like her was tough, but i think she likes me.

i grabbed my car keys and before walking out of my room, stopped in the doorway and glanced at the condom package that was on my dresser.

"nah." i walked out, only to turn around and grab it ten seconds later.

when i got there, i knocked on her door twice before it quickly opened. she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. when she pulled back, i looked her up and down, her outfit was identical to wendy torrances' in the shining. she had on a green plaid button down and a brown corduroy over-all dress over it. she honestly looked so cute, i wanted to kiss her right then and there.

"so, what do you wanna do?" i asked slowly, hoping she would make a move.

"follow." she smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me upstairs and into her room. my heart rate grew, was this really happening?

she sat me down on the bed, and i watched her every move.

she spun around to look at me and held up a disk that read "the shining".

"i was thinking we could watch this!..."

damn it.

 "...i put this outfit on this morning and it reminded me of this movie... so i called you up!" she blushed lightly, trying to hide it from me. it was a blessing when she blushed, somehow it made her a thousand times cuter than she already was.

this wasn't exactly what i thought what was gonna happen, but at least i get to spend time with her.

she put the disk in and shut off her bedroom lights, jumping on the bed and lying on her stomach next to me, so i did the same. she looked over at me and we talked during the opening credits.

she was giving off this vibe, i still feel like she wants me. and i know that i want her. i leaned my body into hers more, knocking her off of her elbows and making her head fall. we laughed for a good minute, until she pushed me back for revenge. she fell onto my chest and pushed pieces of hair behind her ear. we realized she was on top of me and she backed up a bit. she cleared her throat and looked up at my face, which was bright red. she had no clue how much of an effect she had on me.

"sorry." she giggled awkwardly.

"nah, you're good." i replied, trying to keep calm before she suspects how madly in love i am with her. we just kept eye contact for a little longer, until she glanced down to her hands, my lips, then back at my eyes.

i couldn't take it anymore, i leaned close and gave her a small peck on the lips, taking her by surprise.

"god, i'm so sorry, i don't know what got int-" her lips cut my words off, melting into mine so slow. she pulled away and bit her lip, smiling lightly and looking up innocently at me. she crawled closer and lied back against my chest, so i could wrap my arm around her.

we kept goofing off and cuddling a bit here and there as the movie played. every jump scare or loud noise made her jump slightly, even though she's seen this movie a thousand times.

"...darling, i'm not gonna hurt you..."

"god, i love eighties horror movies." she said and turned her body closer into mine.

"yeah..." i mumbled, leaning down to kiss the top of her head and rubbing my hand up and down her arm. she giggled and wrapped her arms around my torso. this is totally different from what i thought was gonna happen today.

can it be, that you feel this way too?

written on 11 / 09 / 19

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