cliché love story (II) - g.d

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844 words
figure 8 + peach pit
first person
part two

*this song has nothing to do with the story but i like how it sounds... i don't know its one of my favorite songs just listen to it🥺*

i walked back downstairs and saw her in her kitchen in front of the coffee machine, waiting for it to finish making her drink. i slowly made my way over to her and leaned against the counter.

"so... what do you wanna do?" i asked her, making her turn towards me.

"we could watch something, i heard ferris bueller's day off is on netflix now." she smiled at me, holding her coffee. it's one of her favorite films, she loves all things eighties.

"ooh, can we make cupcakes, too?" i ask, making her eyes light up.

"okay!" she walked over to her cabinet, taking out chocolate cake mix and other ingredients.

after we made them and put them in the oven, we sat down to watch some of the film before we had to take the cupcakes out.

she cuddled into me, like she usually does, but today was a little different. she put her arm around my waist and put her leg on top of mine... i honestly wasn't complaining though.

after about twenty minutes we heard the oven beep, so she sprung up to take them out. she put them down on top of her stove grates so they could cool down and we got out all the decorations and icing.

we decided we were gonna make animal cupcakes, a different animal for each color of the rainbow. it was her idea, it's cute how she thinks of these things.

we started icing them and she put some icing on the tip of my nose, so i smeared it all over her cheek.

she put icing all over my nose, cheeks, lips, chin... it was everywhere. we both laughed so hard we almost cried.

"okay, wait, lemme get you a paper towel-" she said while still laughing. she got a wet paper towel to clean up all the icing on my face and came closer to me.

she stood kinda close, wiping everything from my face. i just looked down at her, watching her eyes move back and forth between my lips and the rest of my face.

she looked up at me once she was done, and i felt around my face.

"you missed a spot." i said quietly, pointing to my bottom lip and smiling.

"yeah, let me get that." she leaned in closer instead, and kissed my bottom lip, lightly biting down on it.

i was shocked at first, not thinking she would do that, but then i started melting into the kiss.

i put my hands on her hips, barely touching her. her hands held my waist, bringing her body into mine. chest to chest, i blushed, our lips moving in sync with each other.

my hands went to the small of her back, making her back arch a bit. her hands went down to my butt and i pulled away.

"what? you have a cute butt." she said, no shame whatsoever.

i laughed quietly and pulled her in again, holding her hips and softly kissing her.

i put her on top of the counter, putting my hands on her upper thighs. she shivered from the cold countertop. my hands moved up inside of her shirt and held her waist, earning a quiet moan.

i kissed her cheek a couple of times before slowly planting kisses traveling down to her neck. she wrapped her arms around my neck and sighed in content.

"i love how you look in my shirt." i mumbled in between kisses.

"hmm, i bet you do." she said softly. i could tell she was smiling, making me grin against her skin.

i moved back up to her lips and leaned into it.
she put her hands back and groaned, which turned me on, making me moan back. she pulled away and giggled.

"i made that noise because i put my hand in the bowl of icing but i guess you enjoyed it." she said, holding up her hand, which was covered in icing.

"oops." i said, my face turning red.

"you're such a cute little dork, come here-" she smiled and used her icing-free hand to pull my chin towards hers and kiss me once again. after a few seconds we heard footsteps coming closer to the kitchen.

"ew, gross!" we immediately pulled away and looked over at y/s/n staring at us in disgust.

"i didn't know you guys did kissing! i'm telling mom!" she walked over to the house phone and started dialing a number.

"NO! Y/S/N, DON'T YOU DARE-" y/n yelled, scrambling to get off the counter and washing her icing-covered hand.

"mom! y/n and grayson were just-"

"-just making cupcakes and got sprinkles all over the floor, we cleaned it all up though. sorry to bother you at work y/s/n called okay love you bye!" she hung up before her mom could say anything.

"smooth coverup." i smiled and she sighed.

"you have no idea how many coverups i've done!" y/n put her hand on her forehead and laughed, making me laugh back.

i. love. writing. make. out. scenes. oh. my. god. if i could get away with writing just plain make out sessions, i so would. i just really badly wanna make out with grayson holy shit!

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