Chapter One: The Day

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*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEE-* My alarm clock goes off as I finally start to fall asleep. There was no way I could sleep last night knowing what was happening in less than 12 hours. I glance at my One Direction calendar. Four days have been crossed out leading to October 5. "Yep, today's the day!" I cheerfully reassured myself. I rose from my bed and walked to my closet to grab a pair of black skinny jeans, white tank top, and a grey Aeropostale hoodie. After getting dressed I snatched up my sky blue penny board and headed for my room door. "Oops! Almost forgot!" I slipped on my black Timberlands and zoomed down the stairs. Once I reached the bottom, I mounted my board and rode through the kitchen.

     "Mayah! How many times do I have to tell you? No riding in the house!"

     "Sorry mom!" I yelled as I avoided my little brother Chad who was standing by the dog cage. "I'll try not to forget!"

     "Hold it!" She added. "Before you go riding down the road ready for tonight, your father and I need to talk to you and Chad"

     "I didn't mean to eat the dog biscuit! It just smelled really good!" Everyone stared at Chad flabbergasted. "That's not why we're in trouble is it?"

     "No. When this conversation is done you go brush those teeth of yours." Dad replied. "Now this may be a shock to you but there's nothing we can do." The four of us sat there for what seemed like a million years until I assured my dad I understood with a nod."Okay, we are moving to the United Kingdom." he stated proudly.

     "What! But Dad what about here! In Florida! With Bryan!" I yelled.

     "Sweetie, there's nothing I can do. It's for my job; we'll only be gone for a year, two at the most." I was shocked. I knew Dad's job moved places but it was never out of the country and we hadn't moved for nearly three years. Not knowing what else to do I picked up my board and walked out the kitchen door and skated down the driveway.

     It always took me about 10 minutes on my board to arrive at school; today it took twice as long. Usually I cross the road when I'm not supposed to but after what just happened, I wasn't in the mood. I passed Stefanie, one of my "friends"; she just waved as a kept riding.

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