Soldier 76

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Ever since overwatch had been recalled, it had been non-stop work at the base to try and get everybody settled in. Being an original member yourself, it was no problem for you to return to your cosy dorm room. You were just unpacking most of your clothes and weapons from cardboard boxes when there was a loud and excited sounding and extremely noticeable knock on your door. On the other side of the door stood one of your best friends from your old days, Jesse McCree. As soon as you both locked eye contact he pulled you in for a hug and at this you both started giggling uncontrollably and probably irritating everybody within a 30 mile radius.

'So long time no see then?' He spoke with his southern drawl reminding you of your close moments with the man.
'Yeah, are you settling okay 'cos i can always give you a hand?' You said, eager to spend time with your lost friend. His head nodded profusely and he looked like a little puppy, about to go for a walk. You both started to make your way out of your dorm when you got the uncomfortable feeling that someone was watching you, you felt their eyes burning into your back. After turning around, you lock eyes with the infamous Soldier 76 or Jack Morrison as you knew him. Due to his visor, you couldn't really see his facial expression so you just smiled and waved at him and he stiffly waved back. When overwatch had disbanded you both were on bad terms after he faked his death and then revealed it to you without any warnings, it still left you pretty unsure of him now but you've made the descision to just let it go for now.
After your awkward encounter, you and Jesse both made your way to his dorm room and just by looking, you could tell it was his. Piles of clothes, dirty and clean, were left on the floor, his duvet cover on his bed was untucked and all the sheets had started to slowly fall off. He turned to you with a sheepish grin.
'Guess we got a lot of work to do huh?' He said rubbing the back of his neck.

✨Time Skip✨

It was long and tiresome helping Jesse, but he was your friend and you had to make sacrifices. As you were leaving, he leaned his arm against the door frame and just made small talk, people always told you that he liked you and they could see it by the way he looks at you but you didn't really believe it because of how long you've both been friends, however, the situation you were in now slowly made you rethink yourself. He was towering over you, most likely unintentionally since he's around 6ft tall and you felt him slowly get closer to you which you didn't really mind. He said something that made you laugh and you were both in your giggling fit again and you felt the same sensation that you were being watched again, but this time you turned around and there was nobody there. It was relatively late to be fair.
'Jesse i should probably be going it's getting quite late.' You said with a slight tinge of sadness since you enjoyed his company so much.
'Alright darlin' i'll make sure to stop by tomorrow.' He spoke with a wink dropped in at the end, naturally making you flustered. You both waved goodbye and you were back off to your dorm to try and get to sleep.

After a few hours of tossing and turning, you decided to just sit in the lounge area with a book to try and tire yourself out. You made sure to walk very quietly to not wake up other heroes since sleep was a rarity for most people here. After you had got out of the hallway where the dorms were, you went to make yourself a hot drink to help you relax a little bit. You settled yourself in a corner of a couch in the lounge with a couple blankets wrapped around you. You obviously weren't expecting to see anyone since you were in pyjamas with messy hair but when you heard light footsteps that we're similar to your own earlier, you knew you had been caught. You just kept your eyes on your book, hoping that the person wouldn't notice you. Then you had the same burning feeling of being watched. Your head spun towards the doorway and you saw the same person who was staring earlier, Jack.
'What are you doing up now?' He asked. He spoke in a gruff voice but he was probably just tired and you could slightly hear the concern in his voice.
'Couldn't sleep, i'm guessing you're the same?' He just let out a small murmur which sounded like agreement. You patted the couch next to you, signalling him to sit down. He probably felt uncomfortable since he was shirtless and only wearing some sweatpants, but reluctantly sat down nonetheless.
It was silent for another couple of minutes, you both just stared blankly at the wall.
'You know, i didn't mean to.' He said in the most sincere voice you had ever heard him speak in.
'I know you didn't mean to, but i'm scared that if i let you close to me you'll leave again and i don't know if i could deal with it again.' You couldn't maintain eye contact during your words, mainly because you couldn't see his eyes through his visor but also because it was too difficult, he was one of your closest friends and he just...left.
'Y/N, you know that i didn't want to, i didn't  have a choice. It was either fake my death or die. But you know that i'm really sorry and believe me when i say i would never do anything like that to you ever again.' After he finishes speaking he slowly inched closer and tentatively put his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. Thinking of all the painful memories of being alone made small tears start to well up in your eyes and slowly cascade down your face. Small and painful sobs were errupting from you as you just cuddled into Jack's chest while trying to stifle your cries of heartache.You noticed that he had taken his visor off so you could see his scarred and yet still handsome face and he sighed loudly and looked down and your still shaking form, the sobs had died out but he could tell that you were still upset about the situation. He reached his hand down to caress your right cheek and looked you straight in the eyes.
'Y/N i'm so sorry...please let me make it up to you?' The anxiousness practically dripped off his guilt-ridden voice, you just nodded meekly hoping that anything he had in mind would make you happy again. Too distracted by your thoughts, it took you a second to process that Jack's lips were kissing your own. He pulled away almost instantly, leaving you quite sad from missing the feeling.
'I should have asked first, i apologise.' After he says this, he begins to stand up but you quickly grab a hold of his hand which makes him look down at you with the same guilty face he was sporting all night. You quickly stand up on your tip toes so you were now level with him, softly kissing his scarred lips and pulling him into a hug. You let go and turned on your heel to return to your dorm room. Then you hear Jack say,
'Y/N, sleep well okay?' You could tell that this was his way of saying that he loves you with his overprotective personality. This made you giggle slightly.
'I love you too Soldier.' And you headed back to your room, hoping that your mind would be at rest because of the soldier that cheered you up again.

ahhhhhh okay thats my first one shot done!!! i hope anyone who reads likes it and i hope that you can all request me some ideas. if that doesn't happen then i will just write based off my own ideas and characters that i want to write :)

word count: 1395

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