Their Favourite Thing About You (Boys)

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Just saying that some will be physical and some will be personality traits cos y'know there's lots o boys and i can't think of that many things lol.

His favourite thing about you is how caring you can be. Being a soldier yourself, you know how to be mean when needed but your kind-hearted nature has always stuck with him. You have always been kind towards him even after finding about his history, but it never bothered you because you understand his misunderstanding and how he had changed. You assist him with helping people over the world but also helping him when Talon operatives are searching for him again. Your compassion helps him through tough times and also inspires him to be more like you.

His favourite thing about you is how assertive you can be. You are also relatively high up in Talon so you both work in close quarters with each other. Your assertiveness kicks in when a low down agent tries to back chat you or disobey you. He loves to see the fire in your eyes and how aggressive you look when in reality, he knows how you are only putting on a front to seem more intimidating. Either way, he still finds you attractive and adorable when you are trying to act the exact opposite.

His favourite thing about you is how comforting you are. When he doesn't feel good enough for you because he is a cyborg you won't hesitate to show how much he means to you. Genji often tries to act as though he is okay with his body but you can see through his pain and make him feel better.

His favourite thing about you is your hair. Having long hair himself, he likes to play with and style your hair either when he is bored or when you want him to. He finds nothing more soothing or calming than running his hands through your silky-soft hair. You like to play around with his hair too and braid it as best you can and he pretends that he doesn't enjoy it but he secretly loves the attention even if he doesn't want to show it.

His favourite thing about you is how crazy you can be. Obviously you aren't on his level of crazy but you can appreciate his love for explosives. He had always longed for someone to share his passion and then he found you and now he doesn't feel as insane. You both have your moments where you're both too much to handle but you balance each other out well. He finds your craziness adorable and just perfect for him.

His favourite thing about you is how supportive you are about his career. Not only is he part of Overwatch but he is also an artist and DJ so obviously he is busy but of course he manages to make time for you but when he can't keep dates or other plans, you always understand. You manage to keep him upbeat whenever he feels guilty because he believes he is 'neglecting' you when in reality he's just over reacting because he cares about you too much :3.

His favourite thing about you is your laugh and smile. Whenever you express your happiness it lights up a room and it makes Jesse fall in love with you all over again. Not only that, it makes him so much happier when he makes you laugh with his terrible jokes or with his smooth and yet cringy pick up lines. But he makes you laugh anyway even if it can be at his expense at times.

His favourite thing about you is how tolerant you are. He is quite a cold man and grumpy a lot of the time and if you were like most people, you would have given up with him but luckily you aren't like most people. You have always stuck by him through his anger, sadness and physical and emotional pain and while he may not show it, but he couldn't be more thankful to you.

His favourite thing about you is how intelligent you are. Being an intelligent physicist himself, he likes being in a relationship with somebody who can challenge him intellectually and you can do that perfectly. If he comes up with a new theory or experiment he can always expect you to pick things out as constructive criticism. It can annoy him at times and make you sound very mean but you mean well and he finds your intelligence very attractive so it's a win-win.

Soldier 76:
His favourite thing about you is how battle-wise you are. You are also a part of Overwatch so you have spent a fair bit of time on the battlefield but whenever you two are sparring or escorting a payload, there is nothing that he enjoys more than watching you in the fight. Even when you beat him while sparring (which is very rare unless he lets you win), he still enjoys how victorious you look and he thinks it's worth losing to see how happy and proud you look.

His favourite thing about you is how accepting you are regarding your relationship. He is often insecure about your relationship considering that he is a monkey/scientist but the fact that you can look past his insecurities is the thing that he loves the most about you.

His favourite thing about you is how overly protective you can be. If anyone was ever talking down to his because of how he is an omnic, you would be jumping in so fast to defend his because no one gets to be mean to Zenyatta whenever you're around.

I'm not sure if i'll do a girls version but i probably will but anyway enjoy! This was my first try at a scenario and  personally i prefer them because there is more variety but also because they take a lot less time to write. Like i wrote this in only a couple of hours when my one shots have taken days because i just lose motivation half of the time. But y'know have a good day stay safe and all of that shiz.

Word Count: 1051

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