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okay so hihihi long time no see im currently working on one other one shot so it should be coming out in the next couple of weeks and im also trying to use gender neutral pronouns but if you would prefer me to use male or female then thats completely fine too so yeah enjoy!!!

Trigger warning- Includes descriptions of panic attacks. If this triggers you please don't continue reading. If you continue reading, do so at your own risk.

small reminder that the way i have described having a panic attack is in a way similar to my own because i don't know how everyone else experiences them since it can be different for everybody.

A loud slam echoed, inducing a stronger pounding to radiate through your head. The slam was caused by your own volition and was a result of you making a frantic escape towards your trusted closet. It acted as a safe space for you when things were too much and felt like refuge. You hadn't identified the cause of your current stress but the effects were very clear. Hands trembling, heart palpitations, and a painful headache were plaguing your weakened body. So there you were, in a closet clinging to the wall and failing miserably, almost a poetic representation of your fragile mind.

Your legs waivered and eventually caved in on themselves, leaving you on the floor in the dark trying to calm yourself.
'i'm okay, i'm fine, nothing is going to harm me and i am definitely fine.' A mediocre attempt at calming yourself, which was simply just lying to yourself. The fear instilled in your body must have lowered your senses since you were taken aback by the light knocks on the closet door.

The initial stress of the taps was nullified once you realised they could only have been caused by your significant other, Lució. Unfortunately, in your dazed and panicked state, it was hard to acknowledge his existence and he had refrained himself from entering the closet as to not startle you.
'Y/N can you please open the closet door for me?' His voice was hardly above a whisper, like he was talking to a frightening alley cat. The only sound you could make in response was a strained gasp from your throat to try and control your laboured breaths.  Something about hearing his voice made something click in your head, like it was leading your trembling hand towards the door knob of the closet.

The door opened mere inches, just enough to see Lució sat on the floor like yourself. His calm expression contrasted your pained one. He didn't say a word and instead handed you something and placed something over your head. The initial contact startled you until you realised what it was, but at that point Lució had already closed your closet door and return you to your privacy.

Over your ears was now a pair of soft headphones. The spongy earpieces brought a pleasant sensation to the chaos of your mind. In your hand, was your phone. It had been neglected in your escape to the closet and had been turned on and connected to the headphones. Without a second thought, you pressed play on the screen.

Delicate piano notes began to fill your ears, creating beautiful melodies to soothe your mind. A soft violin tune was introduced into the piece aswell as the soft strumming of a sweet guitar. It was the complete opposite of what you would expect from a man such as your boyfriend but it was a welcome change. After a few minutes of the peaceful sounds, your mind began to calm, the shaking stopped, and you finally caught your own breath. At this point, you were no longer panicking and simply basking in the divine music.

Another couple taps were sounding on the door, signalling that your boyfriend would like your attention yet again.
'Can i maybe come in now?' The door clicked. After revealing your calmed face, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and a warm smile. The man scooted towards you and sat beside you. He turned to face you and spoke directly.
'Am i allowed to hug you or are you still calming down?' Your heart fluttered at the kind gesture and your arms made their way around his waist so you could rest your head in the crook of his shoulder. There you were, sat on the floor of a closet with the man that felt like home to you. A slow and genuine smile made its way onto your face, making you remember just how blessed you were to have such a caring person in your life.
'Feel better now?' You nodded.

Hope you all enjoyed! i wont bore you with a message down here but i wanted to say thanks for almost 2k reads and please please please stay safe and try to stay at home as much as possible :)

Word count: 831

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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