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He hated you. Absolutely despised you with every fibre of his being. Not even for a normal reason, it was never because of anything you did or said. He tried to tell himself that he hated you because he liked you way too much, loved you even.

Ever since you had joined Talon, he had always been drawn to you whether it was because of your gorgeous H/C or your glistening E/C eyes. It was safe to say that he was hooked.

The mission you were given was simple, get in to the old overwatch base, steal some important files or something, get out. You were being accompanied by Reaper or Gabriel as you called him. He preferred Reaper but he couldn't bring himself to stay mad at you.

He had called you to his office for the mission breifing so you wouldn't be walking around like a headless chicken. You banged on his door a couple of times and he had kind of assumed that it was you so he just told you to come in.
'Hiya Gabeeee!' You said with a cheesy grin
'I thought i told you not to call me that.' He grunted with distaste.
'Well yeahhhh but you can't say no to me!' You winked at the end, causing him to look away, probably flustered which made you giggle in response.
'So come on then, tell me about this mission!'
Your enthusiasm seemed to irritate him which only made you smile more.
'I'm starting to regret choosing you for this, basing off how loud you are right now.' He said, probably with a smirk which made you narrow your eyes slightly.
'We just need to get in and take some documents from the old overwatch base to find all of their ex-agents' locations.' He spoke monotonously. You rolled your eyes at his boring manner of speech.
'Okay so what time are we leaving?'
'Around 1800 hours, we'll have to stay overnight somewhere though.'
'Okay thanks Gabe i'll see you later!' You smiled innocently and winked at him while leaving the room. He just sighed distastefully and thought about how he had allowed himself to fall for an idiot such as yourself.

It had reached the time of your mission and you and Gabriel were making your way to the old Overwatch base. You were both walking along a road that seemed endless. You felt like you were wandering aimlessly but Gabriel claimed he knew where you were going.
'Gabeee we have been walking for hours!'
'It's been 10 minutes Y/N we'll be stopping in about half an hour so shut up whining.' He said, annoyance dripping from his voice. This made you frown slightly. Truth be told, you had always had a small feeling that he had a crush on you, but the information came from Sombra so it didn't seen very reliable. After this short trip, you had started thinking that maybe he wasn't interested in you anymore. It did sadden you but you had taught yourself not to become bothered about it since you had both been walking in silence for what felt like hours.

It had started to get very dark outside and you had assumed you would both be stopping soon. You had both arrived at a run down building that looked absolutely ancient.
'I guess we're staying here for the night huh?' Despite being absolutely exhausted, the cheerful tone still remained in your voice even though it made you slightly grimace. Gabriel just ignored you and walked into the building, slightly nodding his head to signal for you to follow him.

Inside it was dark and dingy. It was just one large room and there wasn't a higher floor, just a staircase that led up to the roof. Because of this, it was freezing inside, and your jeans and t-shirt weren't exactly suited for these conditions. Nevertheless, you smiled through your apparent pain and settled yourself down in a small corner in the large, gaping room. Reaper came over and hesitantly sat a few inches away from you. During this time, he slipped his mask off his face, since you were one of the only people he was comfortable to do this around. Smiling at this, you leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder, making him stiffen and nudge you off of him. You straightened upright and scowled at him, which obviously confused him due to your light hearted nature.
'Right i've had enough, Reaper what have i done that made you hate me so God damn much?' He could tell you were angry because you addressed him as Reaper rather than Gabriel. He stayed silent.
'I knew you hated me why didn't you just tell me, instead of putting me through all of this because i-' your mini rant was cut off by his soft, scarred lips pressed against your own with one of his palms gently resting on your face and the other on your waist. You were way too frozen in shock to kiss back so he pulled away after a few short moments.
'I-i don't understand, you don't like me?' He lightly chuckled at this, shocking you.
'Y/N you are so God damn dense sometimes. I just kissed you, do you really think i hate you after that? I hate you, but only because i know that i love you way too much, i always have and i always will.' During his mini-speech, a smile grew on your face, the regular smile that you always wore, dazzling your features.
'I think i love you too Gabriel.' You giggled at the end and rested your head on his shoulder again. Instead of him pushing you away this time, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead so gently as though you were a piece of porcelain that was about to break. He pulled your legs to rest over his own, like you were cuddling while sitting down, and moved his other hand to trace small shapes onto your thigh.
'Sleep my love, we have a busy day tomorrow and i won't have you dying on me out there.'
You smiled tiredly.
'I would never die anywhere now that i have you to protect me wherever i go.' This made him also smile.
'So does this mean that we are...?' You asked, almost afraid of the answer incase everything was just a dare or prank.
'Of course we are, please relax.' Your eyes had slowly started to falter and flutter shut. The last thing you felt was a kiss to your forehead and a soft whisper of,
'i love you.'

hi!!! sorry this is a bit shorter than my other one shots and im sorry that it took so long! but my next one will definitely be christmas related! i hope everyone is enjoying themselves and staying safe and hopefully enjoying my writing haha :)

word count: 1162

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