Their Favourite Thing About You (Girls)

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again these things are physical and non physical things

Her favourite thing about you is how shy you are. You were always really quiet around the gang and you only really spoke whenever you were spoken to but ever since your relationship with Ashe had begun, you had started to come out of your shell. However, she still loves how you would blush or get embarrassed whenever she complimented you or flirted with you.

Her favourite thing about you is how much you believe in her. When she wanted to start accompany Reinhardt, her siblings and father thought that she wasn't strong enough but hou had always believed in her and pushed her to be the best she could be and that is one of the many reasons why she loves and cares for you so strongly.
Her favourite thing about you is how much of a gamer girl you can be. She spends a lot of her time playing games meaning that sometimes she has a tendency to ignore you. But, you manage to avoid this by playing games with her and while you hate to admit it, you get very invested in the games like she does and your gamer rage comes out a little bit.

Her favourite thing about you is how s o f t you are. She enjoys nothing more than coming home from her lab and cuddling the heck out of you. You're both soft bois who enjoy each others company so much that you're hardly apart.

Her favourite thing about you is how attractive you are. It might sounds very shallow but she is genuinely awe-struck at how perfect and gorgeous you look all of the time. If you two are ever on an an undercover mission where you have to get dressed up, you bet that she'll have her jaw dropped everytime she looks at you. She just finds you perfect in every possible way.

Her favourite thing about you is how goofy you are. Being a bit of a goofball herself, she enjoys having someone around her that is just as weird as she is. You always manage to put a smile on herself and other's faces.

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