Part 1

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My name is Kim Asher, I have long dark brown hair I'm kinda short and  tanned Im thin with a big bum and medium sized boobs, I'm very shy when I'm around people I don't know and today it my first day at my new school in New Jersey I moved to jersey all the way from LA I'm hella nervous because I'll have no friends.

8am early Monday morning
I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ears, I instantly got up and turned off the annoying noise, I walked to my closet and got out my clothes for the day which was, a checkered skirt, a light baby pink long sleeve shirt tucked in I put on my white Fila shoes and went to my vanity to do my making I done a full face of makeup, my eyeshadow was baby pink with a light gold shimmer on the lid to match my outfit I put on fake eyelashes then a nude ish pink lipstick then went onto my hair, I curled my hair then brushed them through with my fingers so my hair went wavy, it was finally time for me to leave so I got my small baby pink shiny leather shoulder bag put my phone and some money in it then went downstairs, I went to the kitchen and seen my mum eating toast with a coffee in her hand I went up to her and kissed her cheek "good morning mum" I smiled grabbing a apple from a bowl "morning sweetheart, I won't be able to give you a ride to school because I need to head off to work for a few days" my mother Avery Asher said with a sorry look on her face I nodded looking down I looked back up putting a fake smile on, my mother was never really here she works everyday but most of the time she works for months ever since my dad left she's been working everyday I never really get to see her but I'm used to it "it's okay I was gonna take the bus anyways" I shrugged eating my apple "Im sorry darling, I don't know how long I'll be gone but I left two hundred up there in an envelope for you to get yourself food and stuff there's already food and money in the house but I just want to make sure that your well fed even though you don't eat" Avery said with a laugh poking my side I giggled and nodded "okay thank you ma, I gotta go the bus is coming" I said giving my mother a hug "okay I'll see you when you get back, text me how your day went, I love you" she kissed my cheek "love you to" I smiled throwing away my apple then walked out my door walking to the bus stop it was only about 10 seconds away from my house which wasn't that bad a walk I sat down on the bus stop bench listening to music it was kinda cold because it was so early, the bus finally came I stood up and got in sitting in an empty seat, I put in my earphones again to block out all the boys shouting and banging about, about a minute later we arrived at school I stood up to get out of the bus but a whole bunch of people stood up before me and walked out leaving me standing there like and idiot with my head down "your can go" an unfamiliar boy's voice said I looked up at him and seen a few boys behind him staring at me, he had a really nice smile he was also tanned but kinda darker than me he had black hair and a really weird hair cut, I smiled and walked off the bus to nervous to say anything to the kind boy, I walked in the doors and froze remembering I had no idea where to go "hey, you look like you need help" I snapped my head to the side and seen a girl smiling at me she wasn't my age she was a older maybe in her twenties or something I think she might be a teacher "yeah, I'm new here I don't know where to go" I nodded with a slight smile "oh I'm guessing you'll need to go to the office, follow me" she smiled I followed after her to the office I walked in and seen a old lady behind the desk looking up at me and the other teacher with a smile "this young girl is new here she needs a schedule" the brunette said "what is your name honey?" The older lady asked "it's Kim, Kim Asher" I said playing with my clammy hands "all right, here you go, the teachers name and the class number is on there so it should be pretty easy to find your classes" the old woman smiled handing me my schedule I smiled and nodded taking my schedule from her and walking away, I was sitting outside the class and the bell rang a few seconds later the teacher came along with a few other students and let us in "are you new here?" The teacher asked miss Hughes I believe her name is "yes miss I am" I smiled and gave her a nod "it lovely to meet you, take a seat where ever you want and I'll give you a jotter" she smiled I nodded and walked to a seat two tables down from her desk she gave me a jotter and we started our lesson, I've finished my two periods and I'm already shattered I hate school it's just really not for me, I found a table in the cafeteria and sat down putting my back on the table getting my phone out, I was looking through Instagram and 4 boys came to the table "your on my seat" I heard a male voice say from beside me I looked up making eye contact with a very tall and attractive boy he was intimidating and had no expression on his face what so ever but was a 100% breathtaking, I looked away as fast as I could putting my head down even though it was hard not to look at him "I'm so sorry I'll move" I said looking at him for a split second I stood up grabbing my bag and walking away from the table "wait" another male voice said it was kind of familiar I stopped and looked to the left of me to where the voice was and seen the boy that let me get off the bus earlier "your the girl from the bus right?" He said with a smile I just nodded I was way to nervous and scared to talk "sit" he said pointing next to the intimidating boy that I just had a bad encounter with, I looked at the rest of his friends and they all were smiling except that one boy he was to busy on his phone, I did what I was told and sat in between a short boys with long ish hair and the rude one "I'm Alejandro this is Alvaro kairi and thats mattia" Alejandro said pointing to the boys surrounding me "what's your name?" he asked with a toothy grin he was very nice and his friends seemed to be as well, well maybe not mattia "Kim" is all I say with a small smile playing with my hands under the table "well it's nice meeting you Kim" the boy kairi said with a wide smile making me smile back "it's nice to meet you guys to" I nodded looking at them all "do you wanna maybe join us for lunch everyday?" Alejandro asked shrugging "yeah why not" I nodded "good, what are you in next? Let me see your schedule" Alejandro said putting his hand out I opened my back and got the bit of paper out handing him it "you have next period with... mattia then next with me and Alvaro then last period your alone" Alejandro said with a sad face I nodded taking the paper and putting it back in my bag, we sat and talked for a while and got to know each other then the bell rang I stood up and mattia barged past making me making me fall into the table hurting my leg I rolled my eyes and shook my head I think the boys seen but I just shook it off and kept walking "don't worry Kim he'll come around" Alejandro said nudging me I smiled and walked to my class, I sat down and got my jotter writing the days date and stuff on the page I sat back on chair, i looked at the door and seen mattia he was walking towards me whilst on his phone as usual, he sat next to me not looking at me or talking to me, the teacher started the class it was basically a free period everyone hated this class "mattia, right?" I asked looking at the boy beside me he didn't say anything he just leaned back on his seat still on his phone I rolled my eyes he was being a dick and I don't know why "why sit beside me of your just gonna ignore me?" I asked pissed off kind of taken aback by the burst of confidence I had he looked at me making eye contact putting his phone in his pocket sitting up in his chair coming closer to me, I instantly regret what I said "your part of the team now so i gotta act like I like you" mattia shrugged leaning back on his chair for the second time I looked back to the teacher and stayed quiet, he doesn't like me, great, it was the end of the class so I got my jotter and walked out of class going to my locker "hey" I turned around and seen Alejandro and Alvaro "oh hey" I smiled back "how was your class?" Alvaro asked while we walked to the class we had together "um, it was ok, mattia sat next to me, I asked him if his name was mattia just to start a conversation but he ignored me so I snapped a bit and asked him why he sat with me if he's gonna ignore me and... he said he didn't like me" I said putting my head down pulling my back on my shoulder "wait! He said he didn't like you?" Alvaro asked stopping I turned around and looked at him and nodded "what did he say?" Alejandro asked "he was like, your part of the team now so I gotta act like I like you" I rolled my eyes "he's so rude" I said again "yeah, he's not normally like that he's a really cool guy, he'll warm up to you don't worry" Alejandro said with a side smile rubbing my back "I hope so" I smiled back at him, we all walked to our class and sat down taking out seats I sat in the middle of them, it was now the end of the day and my mother texted me saying she left her car so I could drive it if I wanted to go anywhere so I didn't need to waste money on Ubers, I went on the bus to go home when the bus got to the stop I got off finally home after a long day of school, I sat on my couch and posed an ig photo

Rude boy//mattia polibio fanfic Where stories live. Discover now