Part 15

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a year and a half later
A year later and I'm finally moving back to my home, New Jersey, my mum has finally got engaged again and I'm so happy for her, Steve is a really nice guy and he's like a dad, my mum said she wants to move back to jersey and have the wedding there because she knew I wasn't happy here and to be honest she wasn't either so once Steve made his decision to move with us we booked a flight and started packing, Alvaro and his parents are coming back to, me Alvaro and the boys aren't as close we've lost touch but i think it's just because of the distance thing, I don't blame them, I woke up excited with a smile on my face, today Is the day I get to see my boys and move into my old house again, I ran to Alvaro's house next door chapping on it several times then barging in "sorry mr and mrs Romero but I've got to get your son" I yelled running upstairs, I ran into Alvaro room which made him get a fright I laughed and walked over to him hugging him and pulling him down onto the bed "are you ready to go back home" I squealed shaking him "yes I am, and I can see that you are to" he said with a laugh "of course I am, I get to see our best friends after a year!" I yelled in excitement "have you got everything packed?" Alvaro asked looking at me "nope, that's why I came here so you could help, what about you?" I asked looking at him "yeah I've got everything packed, come on I'll help you" he said standing up taking my hand I helped him take one of his suitcases downstairs into the living room "I'm going to Kim's to help her pack" Alvaro said to his parents opening the door "okay remember don't take to long we need to leave soon" his mum said we both nodded and made our way to mine I loads of suitcases in the living room guessing they were my mums and Steve's, our house looked so empty it was weird, we ran to my room and packed my suitcases then took them downstairs to the others "I'm gonna FaceTime mattia to ask him if he's coming to the airport" I said to Alvaro he nodded and walked closer to me a bit my mum and Steve were on the couch waiting for us, I FaceTimed mattia and three rings in he answered "hey!" I said with a big smile on my face "heyy" he said with one back "are you guys coming to the airport?" I asked looking at him he rubbed the back of his neck and sighed "I'm sorry kim, we can't, we uh..." he paused "we've got plans, sorry" he said looking at me he didn't even look sorry and I knew for a fact he just made up an excuse "it's fine, I'll see yall when I'm home" I said then hung up before he could say anything else I looked at Alvaro and gave him a tight lipped smile my mum and Steve walked over to us I had a tear in my eye so I whipped it away "oh honey, don't get upset, you will get to see them their just... busy" she said putting a hand on my shoulder "yeah right" I said grabbing my suitcases and walking to he front door, we got our cases in the trunk the I felt arms wrap around my waist and twirling me around burying their face in my neck, they let me down and I looked at them, it was zach "oh my god zach!" I said giving him a tight hug "I heard you were leaving to go back to jersey and I couldn't leave without saying bye to my best friend" he said ruffling my hair "thank you smittty" I said putting my head on his chest looking up at him "I'm gonna miss you" he said putting his head on the top of mine "I know, I'm gonna miss you to" I said looking at him making a pouty face "text me everyday, FaceTime me and call me, and you need to come and visit me" he pointed at me walking backwards letting go of my hands "I will" I said with a chuckle "goodbye Kim" he said looking at me from a distance "goodbye smittty" I smiled getting into my car Alvaro joining me, we drove to the airport then got out got our stuff then went on the plane, a few hours later we arrived in New Jersey, I couldn't help but smile I was so excited, we walked to the exit and I was on my phone I heard whistling I looked up and seen three boys that meant the world to me, I dropped my suitcases and ran up to they boys I jumped on Mattia wrapping my legs around his torso "I've missed you so much" he said putting our four heads together "I've miss you more" I said with happy tears running down my face I kissed him then hugged him tight "um, do I not get a hug?" An all to familiar voice said I looked to my left and seen the one and only kairi cosentino, mattia let me down I squealed and engulfed kairi in a huge hug "I've Missed you so much kimmy" he said in my ear "I've miss you way more kiki" I said squeezing him tighter we let go then I looked at Alejandro we both smiled at each other "Alex" I laughed holding out my arms he held out his and pulled me into a hug "missed you sis" he said kissing me in my head "missed you to brother" I said we separated from our hug and we went in a circle "so the groups back together huh" Mattia smiled "I guess so" I smiled back with a laugh we all went in for a group hug "I love you guys" mattia spoke nodding his head looking at each of us "we love you to" we all said in unison making us burst out laughing, mattia out his arm around me and took one of my suitcases I put my arm around his waist and took my other suitcase, we walked out and went home, this is were I need to be, back home in jersey with my boys, that's all I'll ever need.

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